Sid: 7: he's really energetic so he can last, this man doesn't get tired very easily
Joey: 2 at most: I'm sorry but his little body can't take as much 😭
Paul: 2 at most: he's just usually not always up for it, plus it takes him a while to uh..finish 👀
Chris: 2 to 5: depending on the mood he's in depends on how long he can last.
Jim: 4 at best: he can last awhile
Craig: 4 or 5: just like Jim, he can last awhile but he doesn't have sex that often
Shawn: easily 4 to 7: he doesn't get tired quickly and wants to make sex last as long as possible
Mick: 1 or 2: he just gets tired easily 😭
Corey: 3 at best: a bit more energetic, but still gets pretty tired