Chapter 4: Lala Lie Theatrical Company

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Hiroshi's POV:
The mysterious idol, Ai, someone who had captured the hearts of millions, had become an obsession for me. There was something that kept me drawn to her.
Something that I'm not certain what it is.
I was determined to uncover the truth, to dig deep into the untold story of her life before she became famous and after.
From what I've searched she first started her career in a renowned theatre company.

And that's where my plan came into play. I am going to join that very company, using my skills to unravel the enigma that surrounded her past. But it wasn't going to be easy. The world of theatre was a different universe altogether, with its own set of rules and hierarchies.
I had already done my homework, researching the production house and the individuals involved and everything else. Now, it was time to put my plan into action.
POV ends...

Hiroshi was at his desk, pretending to listen to the teacher drone on about algebra while thinking about his moves.

The teacher noticed Hiroshi's distracted state and decided to bring him back to the lesson. She cleared her throat, causing the room to momentarily fall silent. All eyes turned to her as she pointedly called out Hiroshi's name.

"Shirotaka, can you please tell the class what the solution to this algebraic equation is?"

Hiroshi's gaze snapped back into the room, his mind scrambling to catch up. He blinked a few times, his brain quickly processing the question. It was as if a switch had been flicked, activating his innate mathematical prowess.
Without missing a beat, Hiroshi straightened in his seat and began answering the question with a great level of detail. His voice carried across the room, the words flowing effortlessly as he explained the step-by-step process of solving the equation. His classmates listened attentively, their initial surprise transforming into awe.

(Oops, I guess I overdid it.)

The grand entrance of the theatre that belonged to the theatrical company Lala Lai was bustling with activity.
Costumes were being adjusted, props were being arranged, and lines were being rehearsed. During the chaos stood Hiroshi, his eyes wide with anticipation and his heart brimming with excitement. Dressed in a simple shirt and trousers, he eagerly looked around, trying to catch someone's attention.
(So this is where I will work from now on. It looks promising indeed.
Will it be able to satisfy me?)

Hiroshi walked further.
(From now on I should act like a passionate and kind guy who loves to work here.)

"Hello there!" he called out with a bright smile, hoping to find a friendly face among the sea of busy theatre folks. However, his cheerful greeting was met with preoccupied gazes and hurried glances, as if his presence went completely unnoticed.
Undeterred, Hiroshi took a few steps forward, scanning the room for any signs of interaction. It was then that one of the directors, Toshiro Kindaichi, a tall man with black hair and an air of authority, noticed the boy standing by himself.

Toshiro approached Hiroshi, his expression serious, and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "You must be the new guy," he said, his voice carrying a hint of gravity. "Welcome to the theatre."

Hiroshi looked up at him, his eyes sparkling with hope. "Thank you, sir. I'm excited to be here."

The Director nodded, but his tone remained solemn. "I must warn you, though. This is a place of hard work and dedication. Everyone here takes their craft seriously."

Hiroshi's smile faltered slightly, sensing the gravity in the director's words. "I understand, sir. I'm willing to put in the effort."

The director's voice softened, and he continued, "That's good to hear, young man. But you must know that earning even a background role will not be an easy task. The competition is fierce, and the journey to the spotlight can be long and arduous."

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