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Scott- What u doing Tim

Timmy- Clearly texting u 

Scott- No need for attitude >:(

Timmy- Shut up

Scott- Don't tell me to shut up u toy

Timmy- For the last time i'm not a TOY!

Scott- Oh yeah~ I forgot your my toy~

Timmy went offline

Scott- Looks like someone got a bit flustered~

Timmy came back online

Scott- You missed me~?

Timmy- No. But Scott did you miss me~

Scott- Does someone have bravery all of a sudden?

Timmy- I don't need bravery~

Scott went offline



Why is Jimmy acting so flirty all of a sudden... does he know about my crush... that might be why he said he didn't need bravery but how would he have found out the only person I told was... Joel.

Scott came back online

Timmy- Miss me again~?

*Scott mind*

Maybe I should test my theory

Scott- Of course I did my little toyish Timmy~

Timmy- I have something to ask you Scott but I don't know if it was just a rumor

*Scott Mind*

Sh!t how did he find out I knew it! Joel is gonna pay cause I know he will reject me he's never even liked me !

Timmy- Do you like someone?

Scott- Who told you that I did?

Timmy- Joel...

Scott- I knew I shouldn't have told him!!

Timmy- Oh you... do like someone.

Scott- Yeah did he tell u who it was?

Timmy- No he told me it was for the best not for me to know.

Scott- Ok well I have to go to sleep I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Night :)

Timmy- Night :)

Scott went offline


"I should have listened to Joel when he told me not to go talking to Scott about it"

Jimmy started to cry "Why was I so stubborn not to listen to Joel of course it wasn't me he liked why would it be me, he only flirts with me as a joke why did I fall for it ,Fwhip already told me he plays with your heart, twists the strings and lets go, to break your heart and crumble you to pieces."


"Why did I tell Joel, cause now its either tell Jimmy its him or leave him confused all of his life and make him hate me cause I won't tell him. Why did this have to happen today I need to talk to Joel right now. His text looked so sad when he replied after I told him I have a crush on someone. 

Scott walked over to Joel's to see Jimmy crying next to Joel. 

Jimmy-" He likes someone and I just know its not me"

Joel-" See Scott"

Jimmy suddenly froze in motion -"Sc...Scott"

Scott-" Yes my little sheriff"

Jimmy then ran up to Scott and hugged him very tight

Scott-" Why were you crying?"

Jimmy didn't reply but just hugged him tighter.

Scott-" Do you wanna know who I like?"

Jimmy nodded his head as it was buried into Scott's chest.

Scott-" Its you... I like you."

Jimmy looked up at him and a large smile spread across his face

Scott-" Is that a yes?"

Jimmy-" Of course it is"

Joel-" Told you Scott I knew he liked you"

Lizzie walked in -" Shut up Joel  its a cute couples moment!"

563 WORDS AND MY HANDS ARE ACHING I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS STORY also have fun reading part 2 its very interesting also I didn't know why I started this so addition onto story (pt2 onwards) may be a little slow to come out in this story rn cause i have no motivation like at all.

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