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When we all made sure we had everything and everyone we moved on over to dawn and stayed the night at her tavern. 

Gem-" Lizzie, Joel, Scott and Jimmy what a surprise to see you here."

Jimmy-" Yes well we weren't expecting to come here so sudden. Please tell me you have 2 rooms available."

Gem-" Lucky you no one is here tonight."

Jimmy-" Thank god for that where are they."

Gem-" Right this way."

Gem walked upstairs and led them to 2 of the rooms. 

Jimmy Pov:

Me and Scott walked into our room and we both looked at it in awe 

Scott immediately laid on the bed and Jimmy got in next to him. Scott hugged Jimmy tightly.

Scott-" Sorry for earlier I get if you don't want to talk."

Jimmy-" No it's fine I get you don't want to talk about it but can you just tell me a bit now please I want to know if I can help you or if you just need some support?"

Scott-" Ok, fine."

Jimmy-" I hope you don't feel forced."

Scott-" No but all I can really say is that Katherine has done something unspeakable and has a connection with a bad past, future and present if it isn't stopped."

Jimmy-" Do you know what it is."

*Jimmy mind*

Sh!t Katherine has done it know! I bet Scott knows about it!

Scott-" I don't really know what it was but it was purple that's all I really know."

Jimmy-" Oh do you mean... the Watchers?"

Scott-" I think so but how did you know that?"

Jimmy-" Uhhhh lucky guess?"

Scott-" Jimmy, is there something your not telling me?"

Jimmy-" What, no way! I have no idea what your talking about! I would never."

Scott-" Jimmy I told you one of mine come on."

Jimmy-" Scott I can't."

Scott-" Jimmy-"

Jimmy-" Scott you don't understand. I can't!

Scott-" Ok fine."

Jimmy-" I don't have the words to tell you but I can show you."

Scott-" Are you sure you really don't have to."

Jimmy-" I'm sure but this stays between you and me OK. If anyone else finds out I'm dead meat."

Scott-" Is it THAT serious!"

Jimmy-" Yes now don't tell anyone."

Scott-" Ok."

Jimmy then took of his hat to reveal a green streak in his hair. It was similar to Joel's but more vibrant and it looked like it was cleaned every hour. Then Jimmy lifted up the hair that covered up one of his eyes to reveal that it was bright green and his hair and eye started to glow. Just one blink made Scott realize that Jimmy was a watcher when his hair started to fade all green and his clothes changed into different shades of green with hints of black in it. Then his once normal elytra turned into bright green wings.

Scott-" Jimmy... that is... so cool!"

Jimmy-" Scott don't you think listeners are scary?"

Scott-" Oh wait... that's what you are? That makes so much more sense now."

Jimmy-" Scott what did you think I was?"

Scott-" I don't know but it defiantly wasn't a Listener."

Jimmy then turned back to his normal self as fast as he could so that if anyone walked in they wouldn't try to kill him. Jimmy then snuggled up to Scott and smiled.

Scott-" Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

Jimmy-" I thought you'd kill me."

Scott-" Jimmy I would never kill you. If you ever think that I would-"

Jimmy cut him off by pulling him into a kiss.

Scott-" Wow someone got brave."

Jimmy-" Shhhhhh I only thought you would kill me because people hunt innocent listeners and watchers like me and G- like me and I was betrayed multiple times.

FINALLY I am finishing this here and this is my biggest chapter for a while so I hope you enjoy. Yes  the watchers have to be involved because I have been thinking of this for so long but lost motivation in one day so I'm putting it all in so the past 4ish chapters seem a bit rushed because I don't want to lose a lot of the motivation again so hope you enjoy. ( By the time this comes out I should have a bit of the next chapter done).   

Words= 675

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