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Jimmy-" Scott what was Katherine talking about?"

Scott-" It's nothing I'm fine."

Jimmy-" No Scott you aren't, you didn't seem to be ok please tell me I can help."

Scott-" Just forget it."

Jimmy kept seeing Joel and Lizzie looking behind at them and talking about something.

Scott-" Come on lets go."

Jimmy-" Ok..."

Scott and Jimmy got in one of the boats and followed close behind Lizzie and Joel. Most of the boat ride was really quite but suddenly Jimmy just hugged Scott tightly while Lizzie and Joel were looking back.

Jimmy-" Just play along ok. We are gonna make them kiss just be super close to me ok."

Scott-" Ok."

Scott then hugged Jimmy back. Lizzie looked up at Joel for a second, looked back at Scott and Jimmy and then started to hug Joel slowly.

Jimmy-" See I told you. Now all we need is for Joel to hug back and..."

Then Joel suddenly hugged Lizzie back. Jimmy's eyes lit up as he saw them hug that close. Jimmy's eyes went to Scott's and he smiled. 

Scott-" Jim what are you looking at?"

Jimmy-" What? Oh nothing."

Scott-" Ok."

When they finally got to the end of the boat ride Lizzie and Joel were closer then ever. 

Ha! You guys thought this would continue longer. But nope it is gonna finish here just like the next part but that part will be basically ONLY JIZZIE so if your here for the flower husbands sorry but this is the only part for a while that will be aimed at a different ship so enjoy! :)

Words = 254

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