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Jimmy PoV:

We all just ran. I saw Scott run in the opposite direction of where I was. I hope he's alright, I resisted the earge to chase after him. As I ran I decided to stop and grab some wood. Crafting a crafting table, I made some wooden tools, then headed down into a cave for stone and eventually iron gear.

When I came back up it was night. So I got some wool from killing sheep and slept. When the morning came I started my search for somewhere to set up.

I searched through a Jungle, Plains, and a Dark Oak Forest where I saw Sausage setting up. He had a weirdly placed wooden box.

Sausage-" Hi Jimmy!"


Sausage-" Where you going?"

Jimmy-" I don't know to be honest, but I can see this spots taken."

Sausage-" Yeah, but there's a swamp near here if you want to take it because I'm not.

Jimmy-"Yeah, I'll check it out. Thanks sausage."

I waved goodbye to sausage as he pointed me in the right direction and headed to the swamp he was talking about. When I eventually made it there I saw a cod jump up at me. It was beautiful. Another popped its head out of the water and looked at me.

Jimmy-" Home!" (3rd life reference).

I placed down my crafting table, furnace, bed and some chests. The cod still looked at mee. I then saw a red and green silhouette pass through the murky waters. 

At first I thought nothing of it but after a few minutes it started chasing down the cod. They weren't enjoying it so I quickly jumped in the water and after a small good chase, well more fish chase, killed the red fish.

It was HUGE, I dragged it onto the muddy bank. A salmon. Of course it was a salmon, what other fish would be jerkish enough to attack some innocent cod.

I looked at the dead fish that laid motionless Infront of me. I hate Salmon. I will do whatever I can in my power to save the precious cod. Nothing can stop me from protecting the cod. No one.

Hey I'm back and I have another chapter again written by @Sophiebou13  because I have no motivation but I might get some soon but I think I will get it back once they meet up again. Love all of you for helping me feel proud of myself for something though <3 byee.

Words = 400

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