At school

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I arrived at school. My mom went to Mr.Scott to explain why I miss first period. It was lunch time so I went to the cafeteria. I went to our normal bench and there I saw Kayonce with her nasty boyfriend, Andre. Then I turned n I saw Aaliyah and Jhana arguing. So I jump up as fast as possible to see why my two friends were cursing. I was in the middle of the argument trying to find out the situation and I did. Aaliyah caught Jhana looking at her boyfriend with flirty eyes. According to Aaliyah she doesn't like no one stairing at boyfriend especially how I heard Jhana did.

I was so shock when I saw my crush, Rick Donnall walk through the cafeteria doors. It was like paradise. Omg. Then I saw my frienemy Jennell. I think she saw me look at Rick. Now she is going to know that I like him n like him too. I walk from in between the argument with Aaliyah and Jhana. I sat at a table that always empty. I sat there thinking to my self.

I didn't like Jennell from the start. She was always copying me with everything I do. If I join a club at school she would join too. If I bought a book she would buy it too. If I said I'm going in cheerleading she would say that too. She follows me with everything. I know if she knows that I like Rick she is going to like him too. I can't take it no more. I don't want to be her friend anymore. And I'm going to tell her; I have to.

So it was time for our English class. Kayonce was the only girl of the group that was not in English class. English class is my favorite class because my crush sat right beside me n I love English. Mr.Mullins gave us work to do. He said that he will be back in 15 minutes to correct the work. I was finished at the snap of a finger. The work was very easy. I sat in my seat D.O.B ( dying of boredom). I glance at Rick like four times. I'm going to stop. I look at Aaliyah and she was angry as ever. She was looking at Jhana that was biting her nails. Jhana acted like she didn't care about what anyone thought. By the way Aaliyah was looking at Jhana made me know that there was going to be a fight when school dismiss.

Aaliyah's boyfriend was her height. He was a half playboy. But since Aaliyah was his girl he cool down with all the girls. His name was Rajay.

I was going to look over my work then my eyes caught on Jennell looking at Rick. I was so angry inside cause I knew this was going to happen. I turned to the last page in my book and wrote all my feelings down. At this time life was so unfair. So Mr.Mullins came back to correct our work. I was the first one to let sir correct my work. I got 18 out of 20. Went back to my seat to wait for the bell to ring. Then Jennell wrote a note and gave me.

It said: hi, I want to tell Rick that I like him but I want you to tell him. Why did she had to ask me of all persons. She knew I like him, she knew.

Thats the reason why I hate her. Well maybe I'll find someone else in the future. Maybe he is not the one for me. So I wrote a note telling her that I'll set the two of them up. I was so unhappy.

School dismissed. It was time to go home. I saw rick, he was walking to the school gates to go home. So I ran to him and asked him to give me his phone. " Well give me yours" he said with his sweet voice. I gave him without even thinking. I putted Jennell's number in his phone and told him to call her tonight. I didn't know what he was doing with my phone. I asked and he said looking at my boring games. Well my games are kinda boring.

So I was ready to go home to my same old life when I saw a crowd at the waiting area. I was curious so I went to look what was the big deal. As I got closer I saw that Aaliyah was in the crowd madhellell. Then I ran closer and closer. When I was there I saw some students pulling Aaliyah and telling her to go home. I turned and saw Jhana nose bleeding. She was sitting on a bench in front of Aaliyah.Damn! I missed it!.....KMT

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