Chapter 9

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In the Video:
Guys Fuck! I- don't know what to do!  *sobbing* I am in the Bathroom and h-here is someone. (She is shivering and whispering and crying) I was going out of the bathroom w-when I saw someone infront of the door, staying there w-with a b-big sword. A-a-all dressed in Black w-with a black and white mask! (She is continously criying and she can't speak loud since that man is infront of the door). F-fuck! What am I supposed to do?! He is literally knocking right now and he seems angry (knocking get's louder). First the knocking was s-slow and now it is getting faster and harder!...
I-it stopped..HUH! Fuck what is that! I-it's a l-letter? S-shit it's written in blood! (She slowly opens reads the Letter). I-it-s written..: DIE OR THEY WILL.
(She slowly looks into the camera and stares at it for a sometimes and cries without blinking. She knows that this man means her classmates) I-I don't want you to're my friends...
G-guys..I want to tell you,that everything is going to be okay, as long as you stick together..okay? (She said into the camera, with a sad smile while crying a river of tears and sobbing.) (She' is breathing heavily befor she says) Goodbye. (The knocking starts again)

At that point the Video ends with a flicker.

''Where did you found the phone?'' I asked while looking just straight into nowhere while crying silently. Everyone had tears in their eyes. ''I-in the dustbin'' Lea replied. ''Hm..she was smart '' I said with a little smile since it was a reflex. ''C'mon guys. Breath in and out ad long as we can'' Laura said.
''S-she sacrified hersekf for us..'' Lia said. ''We need to fight and kill him..we can't let him just go like that. I-I promise'' ''We promise'' Jenny said while looking at us to get our agreement. ''It's late guys..let closd the doors snd windows and sleep. We need power for tomorrow.'' Ibo said. We all did sd he said and now we sat together. We pushed the tables to one side and we all were now in the middle, sitting in a circle. ''Tomorrow we'll dig a grave for Mays head.'' Ibo said. Everyone nodded. ''Who knew that all this could happen in one day...'' Louis said. ''I mean it all started with the english test...april fools test.'' Peter replied. ''I wish this all would be an April fool...''Olivia said. ''We all wish that'' I said. ''It is like I'm in a horror movie.'' ''You're right'' Lea said. ''I thought all these movies are not serious but now I'm in one''. ''I regret laughing in horror movies, because I thought that it looked funny....Karma is a Bitch'' I said. ''Karma is not thougt of as a's thougt to be a lesson. This might be Karma..or just bad luck. Jenny said. It went silent. '' Let's sleep. Everyone please make sure to take care of each other okey?'' Ibo said. We all nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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