8: I'm Back Boisss

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You're probably wondering where I've been. I ain't saying nothing, lmao.

I pour out some tortilla chips and salsa and try to fly, but my wings have given out. I start walking instead. I pass by a bathroom and see myself in the mirror. I set the bowl of chips and salsa on the counter to get a better look.

I hold out my arm and look just past my shoulder. My Humerus had been shot. I panic (as any normal anything would) as I suddenly feel myself get dizzy. I had washed myself plenty, so there wasn't any blood, but it was clear my injury did not heal properly.

When I was running away, I knew something with my wing was wrong, but the complete fear of getting found kept me from feeling much else. Now that I'm not trying to run, taking a breathe, I feel the fatigue of running and flying for so long. I close my eyes and pass out.


"Thanks for the help Wilt, now that everyone else is back from the trip, mess just follows them, I guess," Frankie says with a laugh.

I reply, "Oh, it's no problem! I gotta get back to Y/N now. She looks like she could pass out at any second now."

"Alright, have fun!" Frankie sends me off with a smile and a wave goodbye, which I return.

Walking back to the TV room I last saw her, I see she isn't there. I remember her mentioning she wanted some chips, so I head to the kitchen. As I walk there, I see one of the bathroom doors open. On the floor is Y/N with a large bowl of chips and dip set on the counter.

"Y/N?" I call out, but to no response. I see her breath and sigh in relief. I call out for Frankie and tell her that Y/N's passed out on the floor. Frankie rushes over and asks what happened. I tell her that I was looking for her and found her like this.

"Oh my gosh, look at her wing!" She shouts.

I crouch down to look at it, but I can't tell what's wrong. She adds on, "It's all sorts of messed up. She must've gotten hurt."

--5 Years Ago--

I was running away. I had let down my boy and I couldn't look at him. While I was running, I hear a gunshot. I look up at the sky and see a very large bird flying the opposite direction I was running. It begins to slowly droop down, but it continues flying away.


I don't think that was just a bird anymore. I tell Frankie, "I think I know what happened to her."

Frankie looks up to me and asks, "What do you think happened? It was clearly a while ago."

"I was there when it happened. She's a runaway, you know that, right?".

Frankie's eyes widen as she understands what I'm trying to get at. She looks back at Y/N's wing. "Wilt, pick her up. There's not much we can do about. We'll just have to get her to a bed so she's not sleeping on the floor."

I understand and pick her up, which was surprisingly easy. She's way too light to have been eating much through all this time. She didn't look well-fed when I first saw her, but now that I'm getting a better look at her, she's gauntish.

Frankie speaks up, "I'd say she had angel wings if she didn't have actual wings. Come on, let's get her somewhere nice."

Frankie grabs the bowls of chips and dip and leads the way. We walk to the medical aid room. I set Y/N on a bed. Frankie and I sit down on some chairs and Frankie starts eating the chips. I tell her that those are for Y/N, and to not eat them. Frankie apologizes and sets them on the table next to the bed.

Y/N'S P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of a bowl being set right next to me. I stare at the ceiling and ask softly, "What happened?".

Frankie shushes me and says, "You're in a first-aid room. You passed out. We just want to keep you safe so that doesn't happen again."

I sigh and look at my bowl of chips and salsa. I scooch myself upright. I grab some chips and dip it into the salsa. I eat the chips slowly, thoroughly chewing. Frankie looks at me with a concerned look. She asks if I'm okay. I shrug. She asks if I'd like to be left alone now. I look at Wilt, who looks back at me. I look back at Frankie and say, "No."

Frankie looks at Wilt, who looks back at her. Frankie asks if I'd like her to leave. I nod my head. Frankie stands up and leaves the room. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. I grab the bowl and set it next to me. I grab a chip, dip it, and munch on them while I was still laying down. Wilt asks me if I'd like to talk about anything. "Sure. How was your day today?".

"Umm. It was good! How was your day?".

"It was good."

Wilt asks me if I ate much while on the run. "Not much, but I was kind of following this river. It had some fish, but I stopped fishing a couple days ago when a catfish stabbed me."

I stare at the ceiling some more. Wilt asks me, "Do you like chips?".



I asks him, "Why did you run away from your maker?".

He acts like he didn't hear me. I let it go. Wilt asks me if I'd like some water. "Yeah."

Wilt stands up, walks, and opens a cabinet. He pulls out a water bottle. He opens it and hands it over to me. I sit up and take some sips from it. I recap the bottle and set it on the table. I eat the rest of the chips. I set the empty bowl on the table and pick back up the water bottle and drink it

Wilt sits back on the chair and looks out a window. We sit in silence. I drink the rest of the water and set it on the table. I watch Wilt watch the outside. I smile.

Alright, I'm bored af. Gonna go do models again. See y'all in 2 years.

<The Girl With Wings> WiltXFemale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now