9: The Two's Introduction

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As I watch Wilt I think "Why would Wilt run away from his maker? His maker seemed like a nice boy."

I almost ask, but decide against it, realizing that I probably wouldn't answer the sane question. Wilt looks back at me and we make eye contact. I ask, "So, how have you been?".

Wilt smiles and replies happily, "I've been doing great! How've you been?".

I let out a single laugh, "Tired, mostly."

He distantly laughs and mutters a "Sorry."

I tell him, "Oh, don't worry about it! How's things been around here?".

Wilt almost says something before the intercoms interrupt him. "Wilt, report to the first floor immediately. There has been a mess made."

Wilt stands up, "That's Mr. Harriman. I'll be right back, okay?".

I nod "Okay."

Wilt leaves the room and I sit in silence. I hear crowds of footsteps walk by. I guess this place isn't empty after all. I guess I just came by when everyone was out. Someone opens the door complaining, "But Maaac, come oonnnnn! I need a Band-Aid for my project!".

A boy tells the annoying voice, "Bloo, there's a sign saying that someone's in here! Let's just go to a different room."

I tell him, "I don't mind. Just please be quiet."

The boy tells me, "Oh, did we wake you up?".

"Nah. You're good."

The boy tells me, "I don't think I've seen you around the home. Are you new?".

"Yeah. Came by just a few hours ago, I wanna say. I'm Y/N."

"Well, it's good to meet you, Y/N! My name's Mac."

I smile, "It's good to meet you too, Mac."

The other person, who I assume is Bloo, shouts, "Come on Mac, you have to help me on my project!".

Mac asks, "What's this project even for, anyway?".

"I'm building a rocket to go to the moon! I'm gonna be the first friend on the moon."

"Bloo, friends have already been on the moon. "




"Yes! There has!".

Bloo snaps his neck towards me and asks, "Hey, Wings, have friends landed on the moon yet?".

I look at him with what I feel is a blank expression, but I'm sure it's more of a "Why the hell do you want me involved in this" face. I tell him, "Yeah. Friends go to the moon all the time. Easier to fly. Space Spacerman, The Fly, Astral, and a bunch of others."

Bloo looks shocked about this information. He cries about how he couldn't be the first friend on the moon. I tell him, "Well, space travel for specific kinds of friends has always been around. Those guys are just some I can think of at the top of my head."

Mac asks me, "Wait, what are you doing in a first aid room?".

I tell him, "Oh, I just had an accident. Just really tired from my trip. Anyways-". I look over to Bloo, "Bloo, right?" then at Mac, "And you're Mac?".

Bloo and Mac affirm this. I nod my head. I ask, "Bloo, why do you want to be the first to go to the moon so bad?".

He scoffs at my question, "I wanted to be a pioneer!".

I nod my head at look up at the ceiling. I sigh. "You want to be recognized and revered, yes?".

Bloo asks, "English, please."

"Respected. Do you want to be respected and admired?".

Bloo tisks at this. "Obviously!".

I breathe deeply and let out a yawn. I tell Bloo, "No friends have been to Ganymede yet, as far as I'm aware. It's the biggest moon in our solar system. It orbit-er. It circles around Jupiter."

Bloo groans, "I don't wanna go to some other moon!".

"Well, no one's touched the floor of Saturn yet."

Bloo cheers, "I'll go there then!".

I snicker. Bloo asks, "What's that for? Don't think I could? Typical normies, always trying to bring the pioneers down."

Mac clarifies, "Bloo, Saturn doesn't have a floor to touch. It's made of gas."

"Well then, I'll just reach the center of it!".

I snicker at that statement. Bloo complains, "Well what's wrong now?!".

I tell him, "You'd get crushed by the pressure."

Bloo storms off, saying he'll make a pressure-proof suit. I wish him luck, but it probably sounds sarcastic. just as Mac leaves the room with Bloo, he says, "Have a good day, Y/N!".

I wave to Mac and say goodbye to him as well. I sit in the room alone once more, staring at the ceiling. I wonder what my maker what do if he had caught me when I ran off.  I try not to think about it.  I sit up and stay still, keeping my head facing straight at the wall. Just try not to think about it. Just don't think about it. Just don't think. I sit still.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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