Moving in

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Btw! Y/n is 18 in the story and Wally is 21
Elena aka Y/n's sister is 20 and Mateo aka Y/n's brother is 23
Okay, that's just age info, enjoy~!

"ay, hace mucho calor aquí" Y/n complained as they helped their dad set some things inside the house
"Quit your whining Y/n and do your job"     Y/n's sister, Elena said
"Shut up, bitch-"

"Guys para, we won't get anything done if you two argue, and Y/n, watch your language" Y/n's dad said in a serious tone
"Sorry dad" they both said and got to work
After a couple of hours, the sun felt more unbearable to Y/n, they felt like they were about to melt
Fortunately, they got the job done and Y/n had the time to relax

"Finallyy- I feel like I was gonna die out there" Y/n said in a relieved voice
"Oh c'mon it wasn't even that hot, you're just so dramatic" Elena said as she rolled her eyes
"Whatever" Y/n said "I still don't know why we have to be here in this small, puny, town"

"Have respect for your family, I already told you why we moved here, because things got tight back in the city. Aqui with your familia will feel like home in no time" Y/n's dad said
Y/n sighed "alright," they got up from the couch and went upstairs "I'll be taking a nap, need anything, I'll be in my room" and with that, they left


As Y/n was peacefully sleeping, they were rudely interrupted by the shrieking and squealing noises that came from her sister's room
"The fuck..? I'm trying to sleep here dipshit" Y/n said as they got out of bed
They got out of their room and went to their sister's room and slammed the door open, "the fuck is wrong with you!? I was trying to sleep"

"Oh Y/n, you will not believe who I just met!" Elena said with blush on her face
Y/n groaned, "who did you meet..-?"
"I met the most handsome and charming guy I've ever seen! They looked so perfect! He came by to say hi and welcome us to the town. Dad let me talk with him for a bit before he left." She said in a happy tone "if only you were there to see him with your own eyes, you would fall in love"
Y/n blinked and then chuckled, "so that's what was all that noise...? Just for some guy..? You're making me want to STRANGLE you" Y/n said in a furious tone of voice

"Don't blame me! You would probably do and feel the same" Elena said
"I'm just gonna go before I decide to actually strangle you" Y/n said and got out of her room, slamming it shut
Despite being angry, they were also curious about the guy, who could he be? Was he that handsome to make their sister act that way? They wondered
They got tired of wondering and went back to sleep again, this time, with no interruptions

~the next morning~

Y/n was still sleeping until they felt someone smack them with a pillow
"What the fuck-!" They said as they woke up
"Yoo, ugly face actually managed to wake up" Y/n heard a male voice say
It was their older brother, Mateo
"You have 5 seconds to get out of my fucking room you piece of shit" Y/n said
"Gee, I'm sorry, Chihuahua" he said and left
"Kill yourself!" Y/n said as they threw a pillow at the door

They got dressed and went downstairs, irritated
"Por fin, you're here. You woke up late kiddo" Y/n's dad said as he was cooking breakfast
"How was I supposed to know that I was supposed to wake up at 9? I just woke up an hour late, no big deal"
Y/n's dad sighed
"Que voy hacer Contigo" he said as he served them breakfast "eat up, we're already an hour late"
"Yes dad" they said as they ate up

-10 minutes later-

Y/n was sitting in the back of their dad's truck with their sister, Elena, who was doing her makeup
Y/n gave her a look
"What? I'm just trying to look presentable" Elena said
"We're just going to see family" Y/n said as they looked out of the car window
They sighed, everything was so different from the city
They hated change, but they knew that if they wanted to survive in this town, they had to survive with a positive vibe

15 minutes has passed, and their dad had to make a stop for gas since he forgot to put more gas in the car yesterday on their drive to the town
My siblings got out of the car to walk around, but Y/n stayed in
"C'mon Y/n, get out of the car. You're gonna suffocate in the car since it's turned off"      Y/n's dad said

Y/n sighed, "fine, but I'll let you know that I'll suffer more if I'm outside in the heat" they said as they got out of the car
As their dad payed for gas, Y/n heard the trotting of a horse from a distance
They went to check it out since curiosity got to them
Turns out, it was more than one horse, there was five
It looked like people were racing
They looked in awe as they saw the horses trotting
They were gonna go back to the car, but was stopped by the sound of one more horse trotting

This time, it was close
Really close
As they took one step, they were stopped by a male voice

"Hey beautiful/handsome, you must be new to the town, what's your name?"

Mi amor/ Vaquero!Wally x readerWhere stories live. Discover now