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Y/n's Pov

"Y/n, wake up" I heard Elena said as she was shaking me gently to wake up
I groaned but of course woke up
As long as Mateo wasn't the one waking me up, I'm fine

"Breakfast is ready, and dad still wants to talk about yesterday" she said as she left
This wouldn't have happened if Mateo kept his big fat mouth shut

I got up and dressed in some airy clothing since it was hot
I ran downstairs and saw my dad, who was serving breakfast
"Buenos dias Y/n" he said as he placed food on my plate
"Morning dad" I said as I sat down
Dad sat across from me and took a bite off his food, "so, can you tell me about this boyfriend of yours? I never saw you as the type to get a boyfriend so quickly, like others" he said as he looked at my sister

She gasped, slightly offended "Papá!"
"And who is this guy? Do I know him?" He asked
"I-" as I was about to speak, I got interrupted by my brother
"It's Wally Papá, the guy that came to welcome us on our first day here in the town"
My Dad choked slightly on his food, he was a bit shocked
"Ay no- no puede ser" dad said, sounding disappointed

"No I just can't believe that you'd like someone so low"
"Y/n I need you to break up with him-"
He looked at me shocked as I yelled at him
"Sorry! Sorry" I said as I took a deep breath "Papá, don't worry, I am not dating Wally or whatever. I'm not dating him. I swear on mi Madrecita" I said looking at him in the eyes

"You sure?" He asked
"Positive! Dad I would never date someone so quickly"
Papá sighed in relief
"Ay gracias a dios, todavia estas muy Verde para tener novio/a"
"Papá! I am 18, I'm not that young. Mateo had his first girlfriend at 15 and Elena had her first boyfriend at 17" I said


As we finished up breakfast, we needed to head out and explore the town a bit since we needed to look for jobs and shit
I really didn't want to go out in such hot weather, but of course, I had no choice

I sat in the back of the truck with my sister again
"You know, papá still sees you as a kid. That's why he doesn't want you to have a boyfriend. But trust me, if you ever get a boyfriend or a girlfriend, tell me! I will not tell a single soul" She said with a wink
"I might give you some advice as well"

I laughed
"Thanks sis, that's helpful of you"
Mateo and dad soon got in the truck and drove off
The worse part about the trip is that our truck ac is not that good
It will give us a bit of air, but we can still feel the outside heat

I was practically melting, like a snowman
We then went to this place that was hiring mechanics
My dad has experience and my brother studied that in highschool and college
As we got off, I decided to take a walk and wander around
With my sister of course

We started talking about random things and places we could work at
"You wanna know what's funny? That my dad still sees me as a kid, yet he thinks that I am ready to get a job. How does that work?" I said while giggling
"Oh you're right! He's just confusing" Elena said
After a while at being in the mechanics, my dad and brother got hired and would start working there on Monday
We went back to the car, and all we needed to do was find a job for me and my sister.

we decided to take a break and go to a gas station to get a drink
As I got off, I could see from the corner of my eye someone coming up to us
It looked like Tia Pamela
"Hola Gustavo! Estos son tus hijos?" She said approaching us
Tia Pamela doesn't really know that much English
"Si Pamelita, esta Mateo, Elena, y y/n" dad said introducing us
I never met any of my family members since we were in the busy city while all of our family is in this small puny town, I have only seen them in pictures

"Ay Gustavo, que bonitos hijos tienes" she said looking at us
Tia and my siblings were talking for a bit as I was waiting for us to leave
My dad went to get us water and sodas while he was at the gas station
"Y tu Y/n? Por que tan callada/o?" Tia Pamela asked
"Oh- um, no me gusta hablar mucho" I said, trying to not sound rude or anything

"Ah okay, que lastima. Tus papas tan habladores y tu tan callada/o" she said, soon turning her attention to my other siblings
I didn't care
As dad came back and said goodbye, I went straight into the truck
Soon everyone was in the car and we went to the main place in the town
As we arrived, there was a huge water fountain with a banner that said "welcome/bienvenidos"

As we got off, I saw my sister yanking me by the shirt
"Y/n Wally's here! How do I look?" She asked me in a whisper tone
I giggled
"You're way to obsessed with him already, you're fine" I said
He was near the fountain, surrounded by girls who seemed to be giggling and flirting with him
"Ay Y/n, I'm so glad you aren't actually with him. He looks like a womanizer" Dad said
"Papá! Well, you're not wrong but don't say that stuff in public" I said

"Besides, your daughter seems to like him a lot" I said looking at Elena, who's eyes were looking directly at him
Wally noticed that she was looking at him and gave her a small wink
Dad looked at Elena "ay Elena, que gustos tienes...por que no te agarras un hombre decente y no uno que probablemente se esta acostando con mujeres"
"Ay Papá, no digas eso" she said with a sigh "he looks so beautiful"

As we kept walking around, I kept dozing off and looking around
Which led to me getting lost
I panicked for a bit since I didn't have my phone with me, nor did I know much about the town
As I kept walking around to see if I could find them, I bumped into someone
"Oh sorry-"

"Ay que Linda/o cosa me encontre, estas perdida/o?

Mi amor/ Vaquero!Wally x readerWhere stories live. Discover now