Meeting someone

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Y/n's Pov

"Hey beautiful/handsome, you must be new to the town, what's your name?"
As I heard someone say that, I turned around and saw a man wearing un sombrero de vaquero

He got off the horse and offered me his hand
Does he want a handshake? I thought to myself
I gave him my hand expecting a handshake, but instead, he kissed my hand and said "My names Walther, but you can call me Wally, what might your name be?" He said in a charming manner
I was shocked, probably too stunned to speak

"Umm- I'm Y/n, just Y/n" I said awkwardly
"Y/n hm? Well that's a beautiful name for a beautiful person" he said
"Right...well it was 'nice' meeting you but um, I need to get going now-"
"Y/n I was looking for you everywhere..!" I heard my sister say from behind but stopped as soon as she saw Wally

"Oh hey! Nice seeing you around too, do y'all know each other?" Wally said
"I-" as I was about to speak, I was interrupted by my sister
"Yes yes yes! They're my younger sibling, Y/n" Elena said
"My another Rivera! I swear your family keeps growing day by day little Missy" Wally said as he winked at my sister
She blushed
"Yeah, we do have a big family around here" she said as she giggled

As they were talking, I took this as an opportunity to sneak away and get back in the car
5 minutes passed and me and my siblings were back in the car
I looked at my sister and my, she was a blushing mess
I low-key wanted to laugh
"Yo you good?" I asked
She looked at me and smiled
"Remember the guy that I told you about yesterday?" She said
"Yeah, why..?" After I said that, it soon hit me
"OH- that's him?"
She nodded and giggled

"Yes!" She said and then whispered to me "isn't he handsome?"
I soon burst out laughing
"Oh my goodness...that's him!? Ain't no way bruh" I said
I kept laughing "I'm sorry...I just- that's him?! Dang you got me all curious just for that?! Not to mention that you were shrieking and squealing just for that...thing. You just woke me up for no reason"

"Okay first of all; you're still pissed about that!? I said I was sorry! And second; bitch he cute! And fine~" Elena said
"Language Elena, I can hear you" dad said
"Oh crap...sorry papá"

We got to our location, and boy was he right...I didn't expect this many people to be our relatives
"Ay que grande estan tus hijos Gustavo" grandma said with a smile
"Mateo, Elena, and Y/n"

"Hey grandma" Mateo and Elena said as they hugged and kissed grandma on the cheek
"Oh right...hey grams" I said as I hugged her
"My, you are just as pretty/handsome than the last time I saw you" she said
"Well, Sofia was a pretty lady, so makes sense why her children turned out to have her looks"
"Si, Sofia era una mujer tan bonita" my dad said

To be honest, I never got to meet my mom. She died when she had me, so I've only seen her in pictures and stuff
As we went inside la pension, all my Tias and tios were there
Asking us stupid questions like "tienes novia/o?"
It got annoying
"Hey, I'll be outside. If you need me, I'll be there" I said as I left la pension
As I sat in the sidewalk, I took a deep breath

"It's so cold at night, I like it" I said
"Cold and beautiful, just like some of the people in this town"
I shrieked as I got startled by someone
Wally, it was Wally
"Jesus Christ on a fucking stick dude! You scared the shit out of me!" I said, kinda pissed
It felt like someone ruined my night
As I was gonna say something rude, I saw a red mark on his cheek

"So...what happened there?" I asked, pointing at his cheek
"Oh, this? I was trying to flirt with a pretty girl but got slapped by her boyfriend, it's a shame" he said as he pouted
I giggled, "heck, I'd slap you too if I was her boyfriend"
He frowned slightly but then laughed after I said that

He sat next to me and took out a pack of cigars
"Want one?" He said as he offered me one
"Eh sure, why not" I said as I took one
He got a lighter out and lit mine on first
I took a puff and sighed, I felt better now that I wasn't inside la pension
"My they are pretty loud in there, are the Rivera's having a party?" He said as he chuckled

"Yes, but I don't even want to be here" I said, "I don't really like the people there, they keep asking dumb questions. And don't even get me started with the cousins" I took another puff
"Oh c'mon, the Rivera's aren't that bad" he said "they have good taste in music though" he said with a smile
"Heh, I guess you're right" I said
They were playing bachata, which in my opinion, is a good music genre

"Welp, now that we're here" he said as he got up "wanna dance?"
"Oh no...I don't, I don't dance" I said, nervously
"C'mon, I'll lead you!" He said as he reached out for my hand
Wally still grabbed my hand and put his hand on my waist and the other on my shoulder

Unfortunately for me, it wasn't a normal song, it was bachata
I know I said it was a good genre, but it's dancing it that makes me feel weird since it's too, sensual

"Oh no I think I'm good-" I said
"Please chiquita/o, just one dance"
I sighed, "fine, but I'm telling you right now, I don't dance"
He chuckled, "anyone can dance dear, just follow me"

Mi amor/ Vaquero!Wally x readerWhere stories live. Discover now