what the fuck!?

882 20 13

I saw with my own two eyes, my sister, making out with Wally
I was shocked
I could totally use this for blackmail
I gave them their time before finally showing myself
"I see you're enjoying yourself, aren't you? " I said to my sister
She looked at me with eyes of terror
"Y-Y/n! I thought you were with dad.." She said, embarrassed

I shook my head "hm...what would happen if dad found out that you were making out with someone who you met, hm I don't know...3 days ago!? No like seriously what the fuck Elena? You just met this guy!" I said
"No! Please don't tell dad!" She said in a panicked tone of voice
I looked at Wally
All he did was smile, as if he didn't have my sister pinned into a wall a moment ago
I sighed, "you owe me big time Elena" I said "oh and by the way, please do that somewhere else. What if someone else walked in?" I said and left

After a bit, she came back, slightly embarrassed
"You must've had a good time" I said with a light chuckle
"Oh shut up" she said
"Alright alright...Also, make sure you cover up, that" I said as I pointed at a red mark on her neck
"Right right right..." She said as she took out a silk scarf and wrapped it around her neck
We went back to where dad was, and to my surprise, Alejandro was still there
"Well it was nice seeing you Alejandro, hope seeing you again soon" dad said with a smile as he said goodbye and walked away
As I was about to go as well, Alejandro grabbed my wrist gently
"I just wanted to say, if you're ever free, I would like to show you around the town and be your friend" he said with a light smile
I swear his eyes were shining at some point when he said that
He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it and smiled
"Hope I see you around, Y/n" he said as he shook my hand and left

I smiled softly at him and went to where my dad and siblings where
The sun was setting, and we decided to go back home before it became darker
Apparently while I was 'gone' Elena managed to get a job as a waitress at a restaurant
My dad said that he'll take me to the town again next week, which honestly made me glad since I don't really want a job so soon
(yes they're lazy)

We got home and I went straight to my room
I looked at the paper and smiled slightly

"### ### ###, 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎 :)"

So I did, I called him..

Wally's pov

I was with Alejandro, talking and drinking, like always
"And then I was like- nah, no me digas esas babosadas" I said while laughing slightly
He laughed until his phone started ringing, "quien es?" I asked
He shrugged and picked up "hello?" He asked
Soon that face of confusion turned into a face of happiness
A small, yet, happy smile appeared on his face
I was curious
Very curious
As I tried my best to hear the voice in the other side of the phone line, I couldn't

After 5 minutes, he realized that he was still with me "ay perdon pero estoy ocupado, could we perhaps talk tomorrow? " he said with a small smile
After they said their goodbyes, they hanged up
"So, who was it?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink
"Oh, it was Y/n" he said, with a smile still on his face
I chocked slightly, "Y/n Rivera?" I asked
He nodded, "yup, them. Aren't they pretty? God really took their time on them, didn't he?" Alejandro asked
"I mean yeah, I do have to admit, they are pretty" I said "do you like them?"

"Well, i don't know, I just met them. There's something about their smile that makes the sun shine brighter though..its like flowers just started blooming around them" he said
He has a point
They were a mesmerizing sight to see when they are smiling
Funny that I say that now after making out with their sister
I chuckled slightly
"What's so funny?" He asked
"Oh nothing, just something I thought about earlier" I said

"Right, speaking of earlier, why did you leave? Where were you? " Alejandro asked
"Please don't tell me that you went to 'talk' to the girls from the other Pueblo"
"No no, I just had a little fun with someone else. With Y/n's sister, she's quite the charmer. But she gets charmed by me so easily, its kinda funny and cute" I said

"No don't tell me you-"
"Relax! I didn't, just a quick make out session" I said
He sighed
"She's so into me, i can tell by the way she looks at me. It's cute" I said
"So like you her?" Alejandro asked
"What? Noo...at least I don't think so"
Did I like her?
I mean, she likes me, and I like that she likes me, but do I feel the same?

"Dude don't tell me that you're giving her false hope" Alejandro said while taking a sip of his drink
"No no, don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, charming even. But I don't know...love is not for me you know? " I said
He stayed silent for a moment, "you know, there is plenty fish in the sea"
I sighed, "I know, but I just can't get over her.."
"I say you give it a try, try falling in love, I promise you that the right person will come sooner or later" Alejandro said with a smile "Maria isn't the only girl out there you know, there's plenty of men and women that would love to have you by their side"
"No I know that, but I just can't seem to fall in love with any of them. In my eyes, Maria was/is the only woman for me"

"Ay Wally, she cheated on you twice! Would you still go back to her if she gave you the chance?" He asked
"If I'm completely honest, yes. I would" I said as I chugged down a glass of beer
Alejandro seemed a bit disappointed with my response and sighed
"te gusta la mala vida..."

Mi amor/ Vaquero!Wally x readerWhere stories live. Discover now