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All Lyla could see was red, she had never met a more insufferable person than James Fleamont Potter.

He was like an annoying itch that cling to her shoulder. She couldn't get rid of him, no matter how hard she tried.

She didn't understand why he had punched Evan at the party. They were nothing, so why did he care so much?

Lyla hated James, she really did. He acted like he could do anything he wanted and get away with it, but she wouldn't let him.

That night after the party was a blur for Lyla, she remembered watching as Sirius pulled James off Evan. She dragged Evan to the downstairs couch to let Regulus take care of him. She left the house immediately and took a long walk, not caring that it was cold and nighttime.

She came back in the middle of the night, ignoring James when he questioned her on her whereabouts.

She pushed past him to her room, she flopped onto her bed and let the alcohol take away her thoughts.

A few days later it was time to go back to Hogwarts.

The summer had gone by fairly quick, Lyla had been distracted with the plan, family issues, James being a dick, and the incidents of the party.

Regulus, Sirius and Lyla were surprisingly getting along swimmingly, they hadn't fought once since they had got to James house.

Euphemia and Fleamont had got the kids up at the asscrack of dawn, all the kids were sat against eachother on the couch half falling back asleep.

After Euphemia had got everything under control around the house, Fleamont had flicked each teenagers head, causing them all to snap awake.

They all carried their own luggage, apart from Fleamont carrying Lyla's for her.

Lyla had fallen asleep on Regulus's shoulder, but he was annoyed so he shoved her onto James.

James wrapped an arm around Lyla's shoulder and let her sleep, he dozed off himself a bit.

They eventually made it to the train station, they all dragged themselves out of the car while groaning with tiredness.

The four of them and Fleamont and Euphemia made it to platform 9 3/4, they all sighed in delight realizing they didn't have to walk any further.

Euphemia walked towards Lyla and brought her into a big hug, Lyla froze at the woman's touch, not being used to hugs. She slowly reciprocated the hug. The woman smelled of cinnamon and coffee.

Fleamont patted Lyla on the shoulder and gave her a half hug, she waited for the boys and the four of them got onto the train.

Regulus quickly walked off to greet his friends, and Sirius walked away thinking James was next to him.

"Who are you sitting with?" James asks while glancing down at Lyla.

"Me Myself and I." Lyla gives a sarcastic smile and pushes past him.

James grips her hand and Lyla feels a warm shock run through her fingertips when he touches her.

She quickly retracts her hand and he frowns, "Just sit with us Lyla."

Lyla rolls her eyes, "I'd rather die thanks."

She quickly walks into an empty compartment, she sits down on the comfy seat, she throws her stuff onto the empty seat next to her. She connects her hands behind her neck to hold her upright, her eyes shut in reflex.

A loud rustling noise startles Lyla from her half sleep, she spots a long blonde haired girl trying to carry in about 5 bags full of stuff.

Lyla raises a brow at the girl struggling, she smiles defeated, "Hi I'm Blair Dayton!" She reaches out a hand and Lyla shakes it, "I'm a transfer from beauxbotons."

Lyla then notices the heavy french accent, she smiles at the girl in amusement. "Lyla Black." She smirks, "You look like you need some help."

Lyla gets up to help the girl and gets a thankful look in return. The girl laughs, "Thanks Lyla."

They sat down and fell into small chatter, Lyla could tell they were gonna be good friends.

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