79) Third Day of Restitution

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===Judumai Waka===

A thin veil of light penetrated through my eyes. I groaned, turning in my bed.

However, this wasn't my bed. This wasn't my house; there wasn't the faint sound of my mother's Japanese dramas, nor the constant chatter of my siblings. Instead, there was a faint beeping, and the voices of two young women, unfamiliar to me.

"Please, doctor, is there any way I can visit him?"

"Miss Tori, I understand your concerns for your friend. However, he's in critical condition following his cardiac arrest and septic shock."

"Will he still be okay? When's the earliest I can visit him?"

"Miss Tori, I can assure you Benkei will survive; he's young and strong. As soon as his condition stabilizes, he will be able to accept visitors. Until then, only his family is allowed."

She sighed, taking a deep breath. "As long as he's okay. It's just procedures; I understand. Thank you."

"Thank you for your patience. For now, please rest up. Your body has endured a lot too."

My eyes were open now; It was clear I was in a hospital. An IV was stuck on my arm, and there was a thick gauze pressed on my mouth. I ran my tongue over the gauze, hissing. There was a hole in my mouth.

"Mister Judumai, you're awake." The doctor said. "How are you feeling? You suffered a cardiac arrest."

"I... Did? What happened? I have no idea why I'm here."

"There's been a disaster in Tokyo, a meteor impact that's left the city in ruins." She explained. "You survived."

"Oh? I... My family!" I gasped.

"They're all fine." She said. "They've visited you a few times. Do you want me to retrieve them now?"

"Oh... Yes, please."

She nodded, exiting the room. I turned to the girl laying across from me. She had dark hair with blue strands hanging in front of her face. Other than a few scratches on her arms, she seemed unharmed.

"Hello... What's your name?"

"Tori... And I heard you were Judumai?"


"My friend Benkei was in critical condition, but he's fine now. I was so worried, and was trying to convince the doctor to let me see him. I was lucky–I wasn't really hurt at all. We both suffered cardiac arrests, and so did you. All three of us died for a minute... Isn't that crazy?"

"Woah..." I said. "That's pretty crazy. We now all have that shared experience."

Tori tilted her head. "You seem... Familiar. I can't place my finger on it though. Are you attending Waseda University?"

I shook my head. "I graduated from college years ago."

"Hmm. It must be a coincidence, then."

However, I must admit, she looked a bit familiar to me too.

===Gabura Sachi===

I walked down the halls, the tight neck brace weighing me down.

They said it was a miracle I was alive. I was stuck beneath a pile of rubble, and a chunk of shrapnel had maimed my neck and collarbone. My heart stopped beating for a minute.

Breathing hurt. Eating hurt. I stuck only to liquid foods, and was on an endless list of different medications and painkillers. But after they finally allowed me to roam, the first thing I did was walk to the vending machine; what I craved the most right now was just a sweet, cool drink.

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