Chapter 61 - 70

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Chapter 61

    If it goes on like this, no way, the voice in his heart tells him, if this goes on, she will lose control.

    The worry in Lian Yuan's eyes was about to overflow, "Nan..."

    Just as he uttered a voice, Nan Li swished towards him, slashed his short knife past his head, and stabbed the mutated rat that rushed over behind him.

    Nan Li didn't look sideways, and after dealing with the red-eyed people nearby, he began to chop up mice, "Don't blame me for being bitten to death or injury, I don't want to drag the oil bottle!"

    Lian Yuan's worries were suddenly dispelled by her calm voice, and he hooked Lips, re-enter the fighting state.

    Nan Li is right, now is not the time to think about other things.

    Whatever she wants to do, just be with her.

    The scimitar in his hand swept across the rain curtain, and several mutated rats were cut into two.

    Lian Yuan didn't even pay attention to the red-eyed people who rushed up from front to back. He was short, and the two red-eyed people hugged each other, but Lian Yuan was like a string of candied haws!

    Avatar deserves to be called a strong dog. In the past six months, it has been raised by Nan Li and regained its size. At this moment, it has a great advantage.

    It almost takes one mutant mouse at a time, and even its front paws are not idle, it can fly two mutant mice away with one palm!

    Two people and one dog killed all directions, and the rest of the survivors followed suit, knowing that it was useless to run away at this moment, they could only face it.

    Pick up the tools at hand, such as wooden planks, steel rods, long knives, and even sharp stones, and attack the mutated rats and red-eyed men who are rushing towards you!

    Nan Li approached the Mouse King all the way, and rescued many passers-by, young and old, who were bitten by mutant rats and red-eyed men.

    Those people almost knelt down to thank, but Nan Li didn't pay attention, she only had the mouse king in her eyes.

    That's the energy stone for walking!

    She was observing its movements, when suddenly, eyes as big as light bulbs looked at her!

    The sense of crisis of being stalked by wild beasts came to mind, but Nan Li was surprisingly not afraid, instead he felt the blood in his body surging upwards.

    It seemed that the mouse king was the targeted prey.

    It seemed that the breath of blood on Nan Li's body was too strong, the Shu King threw away the lifeless human and rushed straight in her direction.

    Nan Li stared at its speed, and at a distance of seven or eight meters, she also rushed towards it!

    After just a few steps, she turned her feet, and with the help of the raised rock next to her, she kicked her feet and leaped into the air with a boost!

    At the same time that the Mouse King flew into the air, he quickly turned his head, facing the black and gloomy eyes behind him, and a silver blade slashed down!

    This knife, Nan Li used 100% strength, and immediately broke a one-meter-long gap in the back of the Shu King's head and back!

    After Nan Li landed on one knee, without any hesitation, he once again slashed at the Shu King who had landed on the ground. With a bang, and a sharp howl broke through the sky!

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