Remor's Traumatic Childhood Past

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At Obscura:-

It was night time, and Remor was just about to sleep. Today Morgo didn't visit him, neither he could go and meet him. He was very sad, and desperately wanted to hug him.

"I guess I have to sleep now..."
Remor thought sadly as he slowly closed his eyes to sleep.

Remor's nightmare:-

Remor found himself in a black void, and in front of him was a small area of the garden in Obscura. He saw himself but when he was smaller and younger.

"Is that me?..."
"Wait, I know this. Oh no...."
"I don't want to see this...."
Remor thought anxiously as he watched his younger self play with a human skull by himself in the garden.

Suddenly younger Itward came and started to bully him, by spraying water from a toy gun.

"Look, look!! Our future king is afraid of water, and he looks so ugly."
Younger Itward said as he continued to spray water on him.

"You are right, he looks very ugly."
"Let's steal that human skull from him."
Some other creatures of Obscura said, and suddenly stole that human skull from younger Remor.

Remor saw his younger self getting bullied and abused by others and that Itward. His younger self was crying for helping, but no one came to his help.
They even took his favorite toy Human skull from him, which his mother used to play with him.

"No...No! NO! Why?!"
"Why did I saw that again?"
"I hated to remind me of the past"
Remor said as he started crying in his dream just like his younger self.

---‐-----‐--End Of Nightmare-----------

Remor sat up on his bed, drenched in sweat and tears running down his skull. He was all alone in his dark room, with no one to comfort him.
Remor felt lonely and started to cry harder while pulling his legs closer to his chest, with his skull resting on his knees.

"Oh Morgo.... I need you..."
"Please come to me...."
Remor cried black tears as he thought of Morgo.

At the Beyond:-

Morgo was having trouble sleeping, but couldn't understand why.

"Why can't I fall asleep?"
"And why do I feel, someone is calling me from afar?"
Morgo thought as he again tried to fall asleep.

After 20 mins, Morgo finally fell asleep. But Remor couldn't sleep anymore that night.

At Obscura:-

Remor went to work early that morning without a smile on his face.
He was very tired and feeling very sleepy. He got a little bit of scolding from his mother, for keep losing focus during his works.

At Afternoon, Remor quickly finished his work and decided to visit Morgo.
He can't stay away from him any longer. He needed him more than anything.

At the Beyond:-

Morgo was outside watching his crows and ravens.
"Hey, now you are getting it."
"I knew you will learn to fly very soon, little one."
Morgo said as he watched 1 of Fluffy and Screem's hatchling to fly past him.

Suddenly, Morgo saw a portal opened in front of him. He saw Remor, but noticed something strange about him.

"Remor, I missed you."
"Are you okay?"
Morgo asked as he hugged Remor.

Suddenly Remor clutched Morgo's cape and started crying.
Morgo was surprised and quickly picked him up bridal style and took him to his room.

At Morgo's room:-

"Remor, please stop crying and tell me what's wrong."
Morgo said as he was trying to comfort Remor for 15 mins.

"I had a bad nightmare about my past, Morgo..."
Remor said as he snuggled closer to Morgo's chest and holded Morgo's hand.

"What did you saw, Remor in your nightmare?"
Morgo asked as he pulled Remor closer to him.

After Remor explained what he saw in his nightmare, to Morgo:-

Morgo didn't say anything, and only thought of something in his mind.
Remor thankfully has stopped crying and was waiting for Morgo to say something.

"I am sorry to hear that about your past."
"But don't worry, the past is in the past. Don't think about it anymore."
"I am here for you, whenever you need me. I will stay with you forever to comfort you."
Morgo said as he gave a forehead kiss on Remor's skull. Remor smiled and snuggled his face closer to Morgo's furry chest.

"You know, I have something special to give to you."
"Wait here, I am coming." Morgo said as he got up from the bed.

Remor whined a bit on seeing Morgo leaving him so soon like this.

After 10 mins:-

Morgo finally came with a small red box in his hand and sat down beside Remor.
Remor saw that, and was curious.
"Whats in that box, Morgo?"
Remor asked.

Morgo opened the box, and to Remor's surprise it was a ring with a diamond red stone with golden borders around it.

Morgo took the ring and put it on Remor's hand, which made Remor blush a lot.

"Is this for me?"
Remor asked happily.

"Yes. It's a very special ring. You can listen to my voice using this ring, no matter how far you will be from me."

"Just remember to keep it in a safe place, and if you want you can keep it beside your pillow when you sleep at night."

"I will say goodnight to you, in that way every night before going to sleep.
This ring contains the same stone as I have one in the middle of my chest, that's why it will connect me to you, and as a result you can hear my voice in it."
"Just say my name in it, and I will talk to you."
Morgo explained.

Remor was so happy that he quickly hugged Morgo saying, "Thank you so much for this precious gift, Morgo. "
"I love you very much."

Morgo chuckled and said, "I love you too, Remor. "

After that, they spent the entire day and night together sleeping, cuddling and talking with each other.

They slept together in Morgo's room, peacefully, only thinking about each other and no one else.
Remor was happy to have Morgo as his one and only true mate. Remor thought before finally falling asleep with Morgo, "He will forever be Morgo's mate, and Morgo will be his."

Author's note:-
2nd part done. Hoped you all enjoyed it. Let's see when I can post the next part. Bye.

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