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Act One; Chapter Five

Word count: 4193

[Season One, Episode Three]

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[Season One, Episode Three]

Camp was still on edge from the group not being back from their supply run yet, but everyone was trying to make the best of it. Well, mostly everyone, because Amy was still rightfully storming around camp due to Shane's call to leave the group to die in the city.

Currently, Eve was giving Sawyer a haircut while sitting beside Lori, who was also coincidentally cutting her son's hair. Well, in actual fact, it wasn't really a coincidence because the three adults figured out a plan to trick Carl into wanting to get his haircut since it was getting a bit long and he kept refusing to get it trimmed.

So they used Sawyer as bait by having him say he wanted his haircut, and since Carl followed anything Sawyer or Shane did, he quickly changed his mind. Fun fact: Shane was originally supposed to be the one to say he wanted his hair cut, but when he realized Eve would be the one cutting his hair and not Lori, he instantly backed out. However, much to Eve's dismay, Shane decided to still hang around as she and Lori gave the haircuts to Sawyer and Carl, despite the two having a bit of a spat due to his ludicrous order from earlier.

"Baby, the more you fidget, the longer it takes." Lori pointed out before pleading, "So don't, okay?"

"I'm trying," Carl groaned, rather annoyed at the situation.

"Well, try harder."

Sawyer snorted out a chuckle and shook his head, forgetting for a second that he was also getting a haircut. In reaction, Eve swiftly grasped the sides of Sawyer's head and held him still, jokingly scolded, "Don't you move either. I could cut a piece of your hair so short that you would have to shave your head."

Eve paused, then looked down and locked eyes with Sawyer before adding, "So don't you dare move again, mister, because, no offense, I don't think you could pull off the bald look."

Whilst looking Eve directly in the eyes, Sawyer smirked as he playfully answered, "Yes, ma'am." His Georgia accent shining clearly throughout the sentence. After that, he put his back up, softly laughing. Unknownst to Sawyer, though, Eve had smiled shyly as her cheeks flushed in slight embarrassment at the butterflies swarming in her stomach.

Shane noticed the interaction and didn't particularly like the idea of his baby brother dating the girl who had just challenged his authority not so long ago. However, he pushed aside his anger and concerns so he could lightheartedly tease Carl.

"If you think this is bad, wait till you start shaving. That stings. When that day comes, you'll be wishing for one of your mama's haircuts."

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