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*Kiss and Love Bite is going to be used, there will be a warning where the part is reached*

"Students, as this is your last year in this school, we have decided that everyone will be going on a trip," the teacher stated as cheers could be heard from around the room.

Great, just great. Y/N had been studying for my university scholarships and one was coming up, and it was precisely when the trip was on. Fuck, just fuck. Y/N cursed under her breath as someone approached her.

The tall dark-haired boy stood in front of her whilst eyeing her face.

"Fucking shit. I have a fucking exam that day," she cursed again whilst face palming multiple times until it started to hurt.

The boy just stood there watching her wack herself in the face, it was a funny scene.

"What on earth? I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad," the boy stated making Y/N give him a death glare. Taken aback by her glare, the boy took a few steps back and smiled mockingly.

"Ni-Ki, what do you want?" Y/N asked.

"Nothing, I just came to annoy you 'cause why not. Also, Jieun is already in class," Ni-ki replied laughing.

Y/N had under 1 minute to get to class, so just slammed the locker and rushed off to class. Ni-Ki stood there in amusement. Ni-Ki shrugged and walked off to P.E. He and Y/N were close friends but they were in different classes.

Since Jieun was sitting with her boyfriend, Y/N had no choice but to sit by herself. The teacher walked in and explained that there would be a new student in the class. Y/N pondered for a while on who the mystery student would be, considering there were only 2 months of the year left. Just as the teacher was taking attendance, Y/N saw a tall boy casually stroll into the room. The teacher looked up from her computer screen and announced to everyone that Park Sunghoon would be joining the history class. The girls started swooning and staring at him like some sort of animal in the zoo. Fuck. There weren't any seats left and Y/N had a spare spot next to her so the teacher ordered Sunghoon to sit next to her. Y/N whined in annoyance but the teacher paid no attention and kept taking attendance.

"Look, I don't want to be here as much as you do. So let's act like acquaintances in school and enemies outside of school, like we are," Y/N's deskmate whispered.

Gosh, his perfume intoxicated her making her cough and splutter.

"Why should I deal with the devil?" Y/N whispered harshly.

Sunghoon and her were former best friends and slowly became enemies due to a fallout a few years back. Sunghoon stamped on her foot making her wince in pain.

"Look, I'm just making things easier for the both of us. If we continue to act as enemies people might think we are, we are but I'm known for not having enemies and being the most favoured person in the school," Sunghoon whispered again.

"There he goes, the narcissism. Where is the Park Sunghoon I knew 5 years ago?" Y/N whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

Sunghoon felt a slight bit guilty but chose not to show it. He shook his head and continued taking notes, without bothering Y/N.

As the bell rang, students poured out of the classrooms. Y/N walked to her locker and noticed Ni-Ki was already there, waiting for Y/N. She noticed his big grin and guessed he had already heard that Sunghoon was in her class. Ni-Ki and Sunghoon were friends and she didn't mind, as long as Sunghoon wasn't bothering her, she was fine. Ni-Ki saw the frown on her face and immediately burst out laughing.

"Omo, you and Sunghoon's never-ending saga of hatred. Also, Jieun took a photo of you when Sunghoon sat next to you and sent it to me, it was legendary, I will never stop bullying you for that," Ni-Ki laughed.

In Love with My Best Friend || Ni-Ki (Nishimura Riki) x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now