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*Kiss is mentioned, there are warnings, if you ever get uncomfortable, just skip it, everyone reading should feel comfortable*

"AaaAaAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAA! TODAY IS THE SCHOOL TRIP!" Ni-Ki yelled as he barged into Y/N's room.

"Babe, calm your jets. There's like 5 hours left," Y/N mumbled as she hid under the covers.

"미안해 (mianhae, sorry). Anyways I got a call from Sunghoon this morning, he sounds pissed," Ni-Ki apologised. "If I can ask, why are you and Sunghoon enemies? I thought you two were like besties,"

"Yah, we WERE before he decided to break multiple promises we made together," Y/N huffed and frowned before having multiple flashbacks from the past.


Sunghoon and Y/N were playing at the beach and he was teaching her how to swim.

"No silly, if you don't kick you're going to sink," Sunghoon laughed.

Those were some happy times they had together. Another time was the time when the Choi and Park family all went on holiday together. They went to Japan. Sunghoon accompanied Y/N on every ride and everything she wanted to do. He was her best friend and only friend until she met Ni-Ki and Jieun in school but that was in secondary school. Sunghoon truly cared for her until he became a selfish narcissistic brat who was a total fuck boy. She knew for a fact that he was a fuckboy due to the number of fan girls he had and the number of hickeys she had seen on his neck, and the number of girls who had approached him and said, 'best night of my life.'

----Another flashback from 5 years ago----

A 7-year-old young girl sat down in her painting room.

"Sunghoon, come look at this!" Y/N yelled as Sunghoon rushed into the room and stared in awe as he saw Y/N painting him. She was nearly finished and it looked amazing already.

"Y/N, this is so good," Sunghoon replied, becoming rather flustered.

"Really?" Y/N asked whilst cocking her head to the side before grabbing her paintbrush and tweaking something.

"It's perfect, I promise I will keep this forever!" Sunghoon exclaimed before hugging Y/N.

This promise was kept for several years until they were 11. Sunghoon had broken the promise and multiple other ones making Y/N fuming. Time after time Y/N forgave him but she was fed up.

"Yah, What are you doing?" Y/N asked Sunghoon, she was planning on surprising him for his birthday. "Is this how you treat our friendship too? Just, I don't know causally using me for a few years before discarding my efforts and thoughts? Wow, I thought we had a promise, the 31st of December, my 11th birthday. You promised me that you would never break a single promise you made. Turns out that was a big fat lie too. I trusted you, instead, you led me into 4 years of my life being deceived. Goodbye Park Sunghoon, I think it's time we became strangers."

His sister, Park Dalae had told her that he was clearing out his room for something and Y/N nodded as she walked up the stairs into his room. She saw that her painting ripped and felt her heart shatter to pieces. She had spent over 2 years working on it, she was very artistic ever since she was young, so no surprise she was painting at the age of 5. Sunghoon just noticed her presence in the room before his face turned a pale white colour. He opened his mouth to say something but she stormed out of his house and vowed to never speak to him until he decided to join her school.

----End of Flashback----

"So that about concludes it, why Sunghoon and I aren't friends anymore," Y/N sighed and checked the time, 30 minutes before they had to leave.

In Love with My Best Friend || Ni-Ki (Nishimura Riki) x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now