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Going outside in search of solace
Because the loneliness just seems to increase every minute of the day ,
I thought I had a best friend by my side
But it turns out there's no one there to confide in .

In the cold weather, I stare into space,
Wishing someone would finally notice my pain
But no one seems to care and if they did notice me ,they act like it wasn't any of their business .
I'm left with only my thoughts in my head ,filled with many crazy thoughts,searching,screaming and looking for a way out.

Alcohol doesn't seem to drown out the hurt like it's meant to
So I turn to my arms to drown out the pain I feel inside ,
It work for awhile as i feel a painful sensation whenever I use a razor or pinch myself until I bleed without noticing it,
But doesn't make me feel any better, but I still try to hope that
Maybe one day, someone will see me and care to ask the one question that I wish to be asked"ARE YOU OKAY OR HOW ARE YOU??"

There's a void within that I can't seem to fill,
Even though I try my hardest to fill it,
But the truth is that I'm tired of fighting...

I keep asking myself this questions ;
"Will someone finally notice my plea?
Or will I just be left here alone to drown with my thoughts??"

I'm tired of pretending to be okay and no matter how I try to find more reasons to keep going on
But the thought of giving up feels like home because all I see is more reason to give up.


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