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"Thanks for coming with me," Millicent mumbled gratefully to Abby as they settled into their seats in the middle of the bleachers, just as the team began to take the field.

Abby grinned, nudging Millicent playfully. "Are you kidding? I was hoping you would ask me. I love watching these games."

Millicent rolled her eyes affectionately, appreciating her friend's enthusiasm as she turned her attention to the field. She felt a blush creep onto her cheeks when she sensed both Henry and Ben noticing her presence in the bleachers. One smiled warmly while the other wore a disapproving frown.

Amidst the anticipation in the air, Ben chuckled, playfully draping his arm around Henry's shoulders and waving at Millicent. "Look at her. She's absolutely adorable in that little blue sundress. She's mine now to do with as I please."

Henry's expression darkened as he shrugged off Ben's arm, his voice filled with restrained anger. "Don't you dare touch her."

With a mischievous grin, Ben teased, locking eyes with Millicent as she responded with a hesitant wave. "I'll have her begging for me."

Observing the tense interaction between Ben and Henry, Millicent sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and confusion.

"They're fighting over you," Abby teases.

"They're not fighting over me," she scoffed, dismissing the idea. "No, Henry just likes stirring up trouble."

Millicent's gaze drifted back to the field, and she caught Henry watching her, a sad frown adorning his face. It was a different look, one that she couldn't quite decipher. Discomfort washed over her as she shifted in her seat under his intense gaze, unsure of how to respond. The moment was interrupted as one of Henry's teammates redirected his attention back to the game.

Abby, ever perceptive, teased Millicent once again, nudging her playfully. "Seems like you've got both their attention, Milly. It's quite the love triangle."

Millicent sighed, her eyes lingering on Henry for a moment longer before redirecting her focus. "Oh please, Abby," She scoffs, shaking her head as she moves her attention away from Henry to Ben.


Millicent descended the bleachers at the end of the game, her eyes scanning the field and her heart sinking as she noticed Henry's bruised and battered face standing behind Ben, who approached her with a victorious grin, sweat and dirt covering his body.

"I didn't realize how intense the game could be," Millicent commented, concern evident in her voice as she noticed Henry's split lip and a black eye.

Ben chuckled dismissively, placing his hands behind his back. "It's all part of the game. I'm going to hit the showers. I'll meet you in front of the school, alright?"

Millicent nodded, her eyes following Ben as he walked away, a mix of uncertainty and discomfort swirling within her. As Henry approached, she instinctively reached out, her hand gently touching his cheek. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.

He winced slightly at her touch, but then pulled away, brushing off her concern. "I'm fine. Just a few bumps and bruises. But Milly, please, don't go out with him."

Millicent scoffed, her frustration mounting as she took a step back from him. "You're unbelievable. You said you wanted to be friends, but friends don't interfere in their friend's relationships."

"Relationship?" Henry spat, his voice filled with anger as he leaned closer. "Maybe not, but friends look out for each other. I'm trying to protect you because I know that Ben is not good for you."

"And you think you are?" Millicent shot back, her annoyance reaching its peak. "He's the only one who has shown me any kindness. Don't be jealous, Henry. It doesn't suit you." With that, she brushed past him, with Abby quickly following, leaving Henry frustrated and alone.

Inside the locker room, Henry's anger boiled over as he pinned Ben against his locker. The laughter and chatter around them subsided as people tried to intervene, but Ben waved them off, his smirk never faltering. "What game are you playing?"

"I'm not playing any game," Ben snickers with a shrug. "Well, maybe the long game." Ben laughed mockingly, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You're such a simp, Henry. Do you think she's still a virgin? We have a bet going. I bet she is because you're too weak to take it from her, aren't you?"

Henry's fist clenched, a mixture of rage and pain consuming him as snickers filled the room. He swung his fist, striking the locker beside Ben's head, the loud impact reverberating through the air. "If I ever find out you've touched her, I won't hold back. Remember that," he warned, his voice seething with fury before he turned and walked away, leaving Ben behind.

As Henry made his way to the showers, a whirlwind of emotions and regrets consumed him. He knew he had let Millicent down, ruining any chance of friendship between them. She would never believe his warnings about Ben now. Determination welled up within him, and he resolved to make amends, to prove to Millicent that he could be the friend she deserved.


Millicent climbed into the front seat of Ben's car, her apprehension mixing with a hint of excitement. As they pulled away, she couldn't help but notice Henry watching them from a distance.

Glancing out the window, Millicent turned her attention back to Ben, who wore a confident smile. His hand gently rested on her thigh, his touch surprisingly soothing. She blushed as his thumb traced circles on her skin, the sensation sending a wave of warmth through her.

"Where are we headed?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Ben grinned mischievously, leaning closer to kiss her cheek. "It's a surprise, Millicent. I thought it would be more exciting that way. Do you like surprises?"

Millicent felt a mixture of nervousness and curiosity. "Sometimes," she replied, her smile betraying her inner feelings. Deep down, she hoped this surprise would be something enjoyable, something that would allow her to see a different side of Ben.

With a flicker of uncertainty still lingering in her mind, Millicent leaned back in her seat, finding solace in Ben's presence. As they drove down the road, she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the moment, letting go of the doubts that had plagued her earlier.

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