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Henry quietly walked into class the next week, his eyes immediately drawn to Millicent and Ben engaged in a conversation near her desk. Slipping in unnoticed beside her, he discreetly listened to their exchange, trying to gauge the nature of their interaction.

"So, are you coming to the game this Saturday?" Ben asked eagerly, a hopeful expression on his face. Meanwhile, Millicent nervously fiddled with her pencil in her hand, contemplating her response.

"I haven't decided yet..." she replied, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Ben chuckled, understanding her hesitation. Leaning over the desk, he placed both palms flat on the surface, his eyes fixed on her. "Fair enough. If you do come, I'll take that as you agreeing to let me take you out to dinner afterward..."

A soft giggle escaped Millicent's lips as she shrugged slightly, mirroring his words. "Fair enough."

"Okay," Ben said, his hand reaching up to gently tuck a strand of Millicent's hair behind her ear, leaving a lingering touch before he departed. He shot a wink in Henry's direction, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by him.

As Henry watched Ben's interaction with Millicent, a pang of jealousy coursed through him, seeing another man making physical contact with her. Unable to contain his emotions, he leaned toward Millicent, unable to mask the irritation in his voice. "You're really going to go out with him?"

"It's none of your business," she mumbled, her gaze shifting to the front of the classroom as the teacher began the lesson, signaling the start of the class.

Henry's heart sank at her response, realizing that his attempt to voice his concerns had only pushed her away further. He knew he had no right to interfere, but he couldn't help but feel a mix of regret and frustration over the situation. Throughout the class, his attention wavered, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Millicent and the budding connection she seemed to be forming with Ben.


Henry hurriedly chased after Millicent as she walked away from class, reaching out to grab her arm gently in an attempt to make her stop. However, she held up her hand, cutting off any potential conversation before it could even begin. "Unless it has something to do with school or homework, do not speak to me."

Letting out a frustrated groan, Henry took a deep breath, carefully choosing his words. "I just want to try and be friends, Milly."

A scoff escaped Millicent's lips, accompanied by a dismissive shake of her head. "Friends? You mean when it's just the two of us, secretly hiding our connection? Only until one of your teammates teases you? Are you so immature that you can't even stand up for yourself and make your own decisions? No, we can't be friends. Because you're not the type of guy I'd want to be friends with."

"Milly..." Henry mumbled, feeling the weight of her words hitting him. He watched as she turned and walked away, her figure growing distant. He couldn't deny that her assessment of him was accurate. He had acted immaturely and allowed others' opinions to influence his choices. How could he become someone she actually wanted to be friends with? Someone who deserved her friendship?

Deep in thought, Henry walked away from the encounter with Millicent, a resolute expression on his face. He realized that he couldn't simply expect Millicent to change her opinion of him without actively working on himself. He needed to prove that he could be good enough to be her friend and, perhaps, even more.


"So, you have both Henry Cavill and Ben Walker vying for your attention and you're saying no to both?"

Millicent and Abby's playful banter filled the room as they sat comfortably on the couch. Despite the lighthearted atmosphere, Millicent's inner turmoil weighed heavily on her. With a soft chuckle, Millicent responded, "Yeah, it's quite a situation, isn't it? I haven't made up my mind about Ben yet. I'm still considering it." Her voice carried a hint of uncertainty, revealing the internal struggle she grappled with.

Abby, always the supportive friend, offered her perspective, nudging Millicent's shoulder gently. "I think you should give it a shot. If you don't want to go alone, I'll gladly accompany you. Who can resist watching men in tight shorts tackling each other, right?" Her playful tone aimed to lighten the mood.

Millicent couldn't help but laugh, appreciating Abby's carefree nature. She handed her friend a bag of crisps, grateful for the small gesture. "You're too good at this, Abby. Talking to guys comes so naturally to you. It's not as easy for me," Millicent confessed, her voice tinged with a touch of self-doubt.

Comfortingly, Abby patted Millicent's leg before resting her head on her friend's shoulder. "You underestimate yourself, Milly. You're gorgeous, and men love that accent of yours. You have so much to offer. Don't let past experiences define your future."

Millicent rolled her eyes affectionately, acknowledging Abby's words. "I know, I know. But it feels like I've only attracted more trouble than anything else."

Understanding the weight of Millicent's struggles, Abby sighed empathetically. "I understand why you feel that way. But Ben seems genuinely nice, and he's undeniably cute. At least give him a chance by accepting dinner."

"We'll see," Millicent responded with a sigh, sinking deeper into the couch. She contemplated her choices, her thoughts drifting to Henry, thinking once that he was different than he is. The painful memories of their past came flooding back, reminding her of the hurt she had endured.

Abby's words echoed in Millicent's mind, reminding her that not all men were the same. Ben's consistent kindness and respect stood in stark contrast to the way Henry had changed over time.

Resting her head on the couch, Millicent resolved to take her time and weigh her options carefully. She would trust her instincts and not rush into a decision. Whether it meant giving Henry an opportunity to redeem himself or exploring the possibilities with Ben, she would prioritize her own happiness and well-being.

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