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October 2022

"How many dates has it been?" Kyle's voice reaches Henry's ears as he steps out of the shower after practice on a Thursday afternoon. Curiosity piqued, he lingers at the end of the lockers, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Ben scoffs and slams his locker shut. "We've been on a few dates, but she's so hesitant. I can barely touch her. It's like she's a virgin or something."

Henry's fists clench, anger simmering within him as he hears their laughter.

"Soon," Kyle chimes in, his tone laced with amusement. Unbeknownst to them, Henry rounds the corner, his presence still concealed.

In a swift motion, Henry presses Ben against the lockers, his forearm firmly against his chest. "Don't you fucking touch her!"

"Fuck off, man. I'm just doing what you couldn't," Ben retorts with a laugh, while Kyle tries to intervene from behind, attempting to pull Henry away. Undeterred, Henry pushes him back, maintaining his focus on Ben.

"She deserves better than this," Henry states firmly.

Ben shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "Deserves? It's not about deserving, mate. It's all in good fun. Remember? You used to enjoy that... before you fell for the dean's daughter."

"What?!" Kyle's shocked voice fills the air, and Ben nods, winking at him. "She's the dean's daughter? Why didn't you tell us, Cavill?"

"Because it's none of your damn business!" Henry's fist connects with Ben's face, prompting a grunt of pain. As he lands the punch, Kyle retaliates, his fist meeting Henry's cheek, causing him to stagger back against the lockers. Henry shakes off the pain, mustering the strength to lunge toward Kyle, but the shrill sound of a whistle pierces the air, signaling their coach's arrival.

"Hey! Save this shite for the field, boys. Keep it out of the locker room," the coach reprimands them, and their conflict abruptly halted. Kyle walks off with Ben, assisting him with his bleeding nose.

Henry winces, his hand instinctively rising to his own bruised cheek as he slams his locker open, preparing to get dressed.

"I don't know what's going on, but you can't be getting into fights, Henry. Professional teams don't want teammates who cause trouble," the coach advises, leaving Henry to grapple with his actions.

Sighing heavily, Henry rests his head on his arm against the open locker door. "I know, Coach. I'm sorry," he murmurs, his mind already preoccupied with meeting Millicent at the library as he quickly dresses to join her.


Millicent glances up at Henry, who appears visibly angry as he takes a seat beside her at the back of the library. Concern fills her voice as she asks, "are you okay?" Her eyes land on the bruise on his cheek, and she gently reaches out her hand to touch it. Playfully, she teases, "did you have a rough day at practice?" However, Henry remains silent, shaking his head and pulling away from her touch as he retrieves books from his bag.

"Something like that," he mumbles, offering her a small smile.

Millicent continues to observe him for a moment before redirecting her attention to her book, reviewing the day's class material. Over the course of an hour, they sit together, discussing school and studying. Eventually, she exclaims, "You're doing so well, Henry. I'm starting to wonder why you need my help."

"Thanks," he responds, leaning on his elbow on the table and smiling at her. As she briefly glances back at her materials, he takes a deep breath, mustering the courage to broach the next topic. "So... how are things going between you and Ben?" Henry watches as Millicent tenses up, shaking her head and keeping her eyes fixed on her book.

"Oh... I don't think we should discuss that," she replies, her voice tinged with unease.

Henry sighs, searching for the right words to encourage her to open up to him. "How can we be friends if you won't talk to me?"

Millicent rolls her eyes and finally meets his gaze. "What if I don't want to be friends?"

"Please?" Henry's hand gently rests on her arm, a plea in his eyes. She sighs, her expression softening slightly.

"I want to be friends..." she offers softly, closing her book as she looks back at him. "Okay," she takes a deep breath as she turns her body toward his. "We've been out a few times, and I like him but..."

"But? But he's too pushy?" Henry's jaw tightens as he digs his palm into his thigh under the table.

"No, not at all. He's been a perfect gentleman, but I can tell he wants more. And so do I, but..." She groans as Henry only stares back at her, waiting for her to continue. "I'm inexperienced, and I'm worried he'll be disappointed."

"You're a virgin?" He asks, already aware of the answer as she blushes, hastily shoving her things into her bag.

"This was a bad idea. You'll laugh at me..." She stands up, grabbing her bag, but Henry swiftly slaps his hand on it, preventing her from taking it.

"I won't. Sit. Please?" He watches her hesitate, removing his hand from the bag, and she finally retakes her seat, moving closer to him and lowering her voice. "You're a virgin," he repeats, more of a statement this time as she nods. "Believe me, most men would not be disappointed by that. But I have to ask... why? How?" He chuckles, stammering slightly, "I—I just mean... you're beautiful, Milly."

She blushes, nervously fiddling with her hair, unable to meet his gaze. "I never really had the opportunity in high school. And when I got here, after what happened with you, I pretty much stayed away from men..."

Henry groans, resting his hand on her thigh. "I'm truly sorry. I know I'll never be able to apologize enough."

"You won't," she confirms, glancing up at him as an idea strikes her. "But... I might have a way for you to make it up to me?"

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