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Millicent stepped into the classroom on Thursday and was pleasantly surprised to find Ben waiting for her. A smile spread across her face as he handed her a rose and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Ben, thank you."

He grinned back at her. "You're welcome, sweetheart." Taking a seat, Millicent settled in, with Henry reluctantly occupying the seat next to her. Ben leaned in, his voice low and intimate. "We've got a game scheduled for this Sunday. Can I see you afterward?"

Millicent leaned playfully closer to him. "Is this your way of asking me out on a date?"

He responded with a charming grin. "Only if you're willing to say yes." His hands rested flat on the desk as Henry rolled his eyes from the side. "So, what do you say?"

After a brief moment of contemplation, Millicent nodded with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I say yes. I'll be there at the game, cheering you on."

"Perfect, you're my good luck charm," he said with a wink. Henry's discomfort was palpable as Ben leaned in, pressing a kiss to Millicent's lips.

Millicent paid no mind to Henry's disdainful snort as Ben exited the classroom just before the professor's lecture began. She made a point of avoiding Henry's gaze, sensing his brooding presence beside her. Somewhere during the lecture, she felt his eyes on her, his expression heavy. Battling to concentrate, she nervously nibbled on her lower lip.

As the class came to an end, she felt a firm grip on her arm in the hallway, causing her to halt and face Henry. "Henry, please," she preemptively implored, cutting off any potential words from him.

He chuckled softly, choosing to hold back whatever retort he had in mind. "I was wondering if you're still up for coming over tonight... you know, for our study session."

"Study session," she repeated, her cheeks flushing at the unspoken implication, a swarm of butterflies taking flight in her belly. "Yes. Is 7 alright?"

"7 sounds perfect, shortcake." He grinned, a mixture of amusement and relief dancing in his eyes as her giggles tickled his ears. For the past two days since she had last left his apartment, he found himself consumed by thoughts of her. "See you tonight."

His words hung in the air like a promise, stoking a delightful warmth within her. She merely nodded, her own cheeks now matching the color of his as he leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek before sauntering away.


Henry stepped to the side as Millicent entered his apartment right at 7 later that night. "Hi."

She smiles nervously, brushing against him as she entered, her books clutched to her chest. "Hi, Henry. Can we talk about something?"

"Sure. Me, first." He motions to the couch where she sits, setting her books on the coffee table before shrugging off her jacket. "Okay?"

"Close your eyes." He watches her roll her eyes as he just stood there staring at her until she complied.

She heard him open a cabinet before she felt him set a box in her hands. "What is it?"

"Open your eyes."

She opens her eyes, opening the small box to find a miniature Strawberry Shortcake doll, laughing as she glanced at Henry who look amused with himself. "You're ridiculous."

"I know. You like it?"

"I do, actually," she responded, nudging his shoulder before setting it on the coffee table.

"Okay, your turn," he tucked some hair behind her ear, the small intimate action, causing her to blush furiously.

"I... I'm feeling a little guilty about our... sessions. I don't think we should continue. I feel like I'm cheating on Ben..." She admits, watching Henry's face fall, his disappointment evident.

"You said you knew he was probably seeing other women and that you didn't mind."

"I didn't... until I did. He's being really sweet and I feel bad." She watches Henry as he frowns before leaning toward her. Before she could say anything, he pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her as he sealed his mouth over hers. They kissed for several minutes before pulling apart, both of them breathing heavily. Millicent licked her lips, their lips red and swollen. "That's not fair," she gasped, gripping his shirt tightly.

He ran his thumb along her bottom lip, eliciting a moan from her as he smiles. "What's not fair?"

She bit her lip, before whispering, "kissing me like that."

"Shhh," he hushed, pressing another soft kiss to her lips before sliding his hand down her neck.

Millicent trembled at his touch, arching against him as he lowered his lips to her collarbone, gently nipping and licking his way up. Her breath hitches as he pulls on her earlobe, his fingers running through her hair as he whispers against her skin, sending tingles throughout her entire body. He removes his hand, leaning back to look at her, a triumphant smile forming on his lips.

"That's not fair either," she whimpered as he chuckled, leaning away from her.

"You want me, Milly. I know you do," he asserted with unwavering confidence, provoking an exasperated groan from her. "Dump Ben and give us a chance."

"I can't do that. I—"

"Come on, Milly!" He sprang to his feet, his frustration palpable as she released a weary sigh. "How long will you keep holding onto the past? We could be really good together."

She groaned, acknowledging the truth in his words. Yet, she couldn't erase the pain of the past, and she wanted to explore her connection with Ben. "You had your opportunity, Henry." She began to collect her belongings, signaling her intent to leave, but he intercepted her by gripping her arm, anchoring her in place.

"Please, Milly. You need to trust me. I'm better for you than Ben. He's only going to hurt you."

She scoffed, wresting her arm from his hold. "He won't hurt me any more than you did. I can't believe I allowed you to get into my head! Let's go back to what it was before. Unless you want to talk about school, leave me alone."

"Shortcake... I'm begging you." He stood helplessly as she departed, a storm of emotions swirling in the aftermath of their intense exchange.

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