Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


Chirpy tones from her phone hadn't stopped all morning. Messages from Alana, her dad, and Delilah had been non-stop. Questioning her about what was happening, what time she'd be in the office, and how she would be getting there. She switched the screen off and slide her phone further onto the kitchen countertop, before taking the final bite of her banana. She slid her stool away from the island counter and walked the three paces towards the bin, she returned to her stool and pushed the fruit bowl back to the center of the island.

The layout of their lower floor was very simple. The kitchen and living room shared the same space, being divided by the island counter. A rustic mantle piece toeing the divide between the two spaces, a tv mounted above. The living room was decorated in a royal blue with yellow hints. A small corner sofa wrapped in blue fabric and decorated with yellow cushions sat beneath the lone window that looked out onto the street, allowing whoever sat on it a good view of the kitchen. The kitchen was decorated in shades of grey and white, the only colour coming from the sponge that sat on the edge of the sink that sat on the island counter. The oven was opposite the sink sandwiched between the counters on either side.

Steam from the fresh cup of tea placed in front of her caused her glasses to fog slightly. She slipped her hand around the hot porcelain, blowing on the liquid to cool it. "Thank you, Bailey, I needed this today." Bailey offered her a smile in return. Bailey was younger than she was, but if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been able to afford to move out. 

Bailey owned the house they lived in, after his Uncle Will who raised him, passed away. His Uncles husband was a military man and he signed his half of the house over to Bailey and moved to whichever patch house he was assigned. To help with bills, he rented out the second bedroom to Elizabeth at a cheaper rate than anyone else would offer her. 

Fastening the final button on his shirt, Bailey attempted to put his tie on without undoing the knot. The fabric slid over his shaved head and got caught on his nose. Elizabeth pulled on the end of Bailey's tie, watching it slip down his face. He rubbed his nose with the palm of his hand and thanked his friend.   "I don't want to go to work today. Fancy doing it for me?" Elizabeth let out a weak laugh and gave Bailey a side glance. "Only if you go to my meeting?"

"Yeah, I'll pass on that one." Bailey drank down the last of the orange juice in his glass, picked up his phone, and began scrolling through the various notifications.

"I am sure your day will be a whole better than mine. I don't even know what's going on with my day." She took a large gulp of tea, the heat slightly burning her throat as she swallowed it down. Her meeting was at 8:45 am, that was all the information that was passed on to her by her father. She had no idea where she was expected to go for this meeting and despite texting her father to ask, he hadn't responded. 

Bailey's black rucksack lay across the counter, paperwork hung out the open zip, pens, and paperclips scattered around it after he dug his lunchbox out. Emptying his wrapper into the bin at the end of the island, he began gathering his sandwiches and fruit to place in his box. Elizabeth passed him a stray paperclip and he pushed it into his bag, crumpling up bits of paper.

Keys in hand, Bailey pulled his bag up onto his shoulders. "I'll see you later, the cars won't sell themselves. Don't stress too much today!" He disappeared out the front door and shortly after Elizabeth heard the door close and the key turn in the lock. 

Laying her face on the cool worktop, she replayed yesterday in her head, wondering if she made different decisions or said different things, would the outcome still lead to this? Her confrontation with Bennet in the lift, and the way he scan her over her had made her feel vulnerable but she also didn't want him to look away from her. His was familiar, she could recall seeing his eyes before, a mixture of coffee swirled with caramel that shone like topaz under the lights. 

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