Dating Miguel O'Hara Would Include...

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Warnings: Implied Smut, Domestic Miguel !!!, Possessive Miguel, Protective Miguel, Dominant Miguel, Slight Yandere Miguel (if you squint), Fluff, Mild Angst, Hurt/Comfort, No Pronouns used for Reader Except You'.

♡ Miguel being stoic and militant around his associates, but melting into a massive softie when he gets to see you.

♡ His eyes literally light up when he hears you coming. He has to resist the urge to scoop you up into his arms and cuddle you silly whenever he hears you call his name, your tones music to his ears, his heart thrumming – harpstrings.

♡ Golden retriever boyfriend to the MAX.

♡ He brings you breakfast in bed whenever he's awake before you – which is often considering his vampiric nature. And he looks so proud of himself when he cooks a good meal, too. Literally just a beaming, teeth-filled, closed-eye smile when you tell him he's "Done such a good job, Babe !"

♡ Any kind of praise sends him absolutely wild, so use it sparingly. It can either get you out of or into a world of trouble; especially if you're trying to get Miguel hot under the collar.

♡ Miguel's love language is, simply put, everything.

♡ The adoration that swells in his chest whenever he thinks of you manifests as him throwing himself into your service.

♡ He does anything and everything you ask of him, no matter how extravagant or nominal the request is. And everything you don't.

♡ He isn't stingy with his words, either; he tells you how much he loves you whenever you're alone, often coming up behind you and sliding his arms around your front, resting his head on your shoulder and breathing deeply.

♡ He presses soft, careful kisses into the crook of your neck, making sure to keep his fangs from pinching you, inhaling your warmth, your scent.

♡ "I love you." His heart drums into your back. His lips capture your skin again. "I love you," And again. "I live for you." And again.

♡ He's lived with a lifetime of regret for not being able to protect those he held dear; he won't allow you to go without knowing the extent of his adoration for you. Not when he feels he never truly got to show his family – his ghosts – how much he loved them.

♡ On a lighter note, Miguel LOVES having his hair played with; just card your fingers through his locks and he's as good as incapacitated.

♡ After a rough day, he crawls into bed and lays his head in your lap or on your chest, his body winding down in your soft embrace.

♡ He lowkey moans when you catch his sensitive spot, his brows knotting together, his voice coming out as a rasped whisper.

♡ He knows when you're purposely trying to get him worked up, though. And he doesn't stand for it.

♡ "Careful Darling," he glowers, the phantom sensation of you tugging his hair a half-weight on his senses. He cracks an eye open, his wine irises peaking out beneath heavy lids.

♡ "Or I won't be so gentle when it's my turn to take care of you."

♡ Miguel prefers private displays of affection over public displays of affection; he doesn't want his subordinates knowing he's gone soft.

♡ But, there are exceptions to this principle.

♡ Like if Miguel's feeling particularly hot and desperate, by which point he whisks you away to the bathroom and the two of you aren't seen for a good hour or so. Usually longer.

♡ The other exception is if he's feeling jealous or possessive, by which point his sensibilities have vacated his mind and he's right behind you, his hands on your waist, your shoulders – anywhere he can hold you. Or, he's filling your mouth with his tongue and your ear with his words if the other party present doesn't get the hint that you're taken.

♡ "You're mine," he rasps, his breath hot, prickling your skin, the tips of his fang drawing goosebumps. Miguel's eyes shine an ocean red, dark and unknown. He has you caged, arms encompassing you entirely.

♡ "And I'll never let anyone take you from me."

♡ Speaking of; Miguel is incredibly possessive.

♡ Years of rumination and a history of scattered failures make for a very territorial man. And it shows.

♡ He keeps his hands on you whenever you're together or in the presence of someone he thinks can steal you from him; someone better than him.

♡ He stares down at them until they fumble or leave; whichever prevails first. After which point, when you're alone, he turns you round to look at him and just stares at you like 🥺.

♡ The epitome of 'Babe you pushed my leg off you while you were asleep; do you still love me ???'

♡ You have to reassure him when things like this occur. Take him by the face and hold him gently in your hands; press a soft kiss to his lips and call him your "One and only,"

♡ Doing so is a one-way ticket to a very long night.

♡ Possessive, heartfelt, grasping, gasping love-making.

♡ Miguel can't stop until your bottom half is numb and the only thing you're capable of thinking and saying is his name.

♡ Of course, he rewards you for your endurance after the fact.

♡ Aftercare king right here <333

♡ Treats you like you're glass; he runs you a bath, brings you your favourite drink and changes the bedsheets.

♡ And, when you're fast asleep and curled up into his chest, his heart flutters, and, for the first time in his life, he feels that he has stability. Pure, unconditional, everlasting love.

♡ And he'll sooner dismantle the multiverse himself than let anyone or anything take that from him.


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