Chapter 99

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Mama was so mean to me! She had left me with Auntie Panda who was supposed to babysit me right after I woke up from my nap. Apparently mama had to go to an adult meeting with a bunch of snooty peopleAuntie Panda had put me in a little prison cell that she said I wouldn't be able to climb out of. She hadn't called it a prison cell though, she had called it a playpen. She had informed me she was going to check on Mama and then just left me!

Auntie Panda clearly didn't know how determined I could be to escape and she had left the perfect accomplices. Phoenix was laying on a chair, chewing on a bone. Kelpie was under the chair chewing on a shoe that looks suspiciously like one of Orion's.

"Phoenix, come here," I call her softly, making one of her fluffy ears perk up. She looks at me, tilting her head.

"Come here," I pat my legs, calling her over. Phoenix just keeps looking at me before going back to chewing on her bone. I huff but apparently my calling has gotten Kelpie's attention.

Kelpie walks over to me, sniffing at me through the bars of the prison. She whines as she paws at it, trying to pull it open. She's left her shoe under the chair and I see Phoenix hop out of the chair, stealing it.

I stand up in the prison, despite Mama and Auntie Panda having told me not to, and try to climb over it. It's just high enough that I can barely get my leg up on the edge. I huff as I set my leg down, looking around for another way to escape.

I grab a blanket from the bottom of the prison, tossing it over the side. Kelpie bites at it, tugging on it. I try to tie it to one of the bars before remembering that I suck at tying. Instead I just hold onto the blanket tightly.

Phoenix hears Kelpie growling and leaves the show to come investigate. She also bites down and starts pulling on the other edge of the blanket. The combined force of them pulling and me leaning against the edge of the railing is just enough to tip the prison over.

Phoenix and Kelpie scatter as the prison hits the ground. I manage to bang my leg on the ground through the bars which really hurts but I can't focus on the pain right now.

"Good doggies," I say as I crawl out of the prison, sitting up on my knees. Phoenix has run across the room to go chew on the blanket and Kelpie has taken the shoe back, burying it with air which means it's not buried at all.

I look around the room that Pandora has left me in. It's a study kind of like Mama's but smaller and not as cool. I stand up, going to look at the books that are on the small bookshelf. I start pulling them out, frowning when one is stuck in place. I tug on it hard and instead of the book moving, the whole bookcase slides out slightly.

I know I am not that strong so I peel around it, realizing that the bookcase isn't a bookcase, it's a door. My eyes widen in excitement as I realize this and I stand up, peeking into the dark hallway. It's pitch black in there and I feel a shiver run up my spine.

"Just gonna go explore," I say out loud, trying to trick the monsters before I shut the bookcase quickly. No way was I going into a dark hidden hallway, that was how you got deaded. At least that is what happens in the books I read and write. The people always get deaded by some monster.

"Phoenix, Kelpie. You has to protect me if a monster comes through the door," I inform the puppies who are paying no attention to me. I huff at that, stomping my foot as I walk over to the desk that is in the middle of the room. I have to stand in the chair to climb onto the desk.

When I step onto the desk, I knock off a glass vase. I flinch as I wait to hear it break but instead I hear it hit the ground and then it rolling. I look over the edge and the glass vase is rolling across the floor. It hits the edge of another vase which starts to rock back and forth for a moment.

It finally settles down and I let out a breath of relief, cursing quite loud when the vase chose that moment to fall over. It hit a bookcase before the vase shattered, sending Phoenix and Kelpie skittering over to me. I slide off the desk to comfort them as I watch the bookcase rock slightly. How heavy was that vase? Or how heavy had it been would probably be the question now that it was broken.

I hold Phoenix close, picking Kelpie up and putting her on top of Phoenix so I can hold them both. They're just a pile of puppy right now but they don't seem to mind, especially when the bookcase falls over. I'm pretty sure that it cracked at least a little bit.

The original glass vase I had knocked off the desk had stopped rolling when the other one had started but now it was rolling again. It clinks against the edge of the bookshelf before shattering.

"What the ducking fuck!" I exclaim right as the door opens and Mama comes inside. She pauses, and since she isn't wearing her veil, I see her eyes widen as she looks at the room.

Auntie Panda comes in right behind her and she also pauses but for a much shorter time as she looks at the room before looking at me.

"You were alone for ten whole minutes!" Auntie Panda says and I nod slightly, standing up with Phoenix and Kelpie in my arms as I move to stand behind the desk.

Auntie Panda moves to the other side and I stand there, squealing when she tries to dart around the side and grab me. I run away from her, devising a plan since Mama is still in the doorway taking in the scene.

I go to the still standing bookshelf, jerking on it as best as I can with two puppies in my arms and once it's open, I run into the darkness. Maybe the monsters will hide me from Auntie Panda!

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