Chapter 116

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*Suzanna's P.O.V*

Draya talking has to be some type of torture method. I mean it must be! Why else would I be forced to have her give a long winded talk trying to convince me to call her grandma or grandmama or anything that is similar to that. I didn't really know how to get out of it. Of course I could agree but I wasn't sure about calling her grandma when I still wasn't sure if I was going to call Seraphina Mom again. So I did the super smart thing....stomped on her foot so she'd let go of my arm and I ran.

It hadn't been the smartest idea and I was sure I would hear about my poor decisions from Draya later but I just had to get away. I run as far as I can, only stopping when my sides are aching and I'm definitely lost. I know that I'm lost because I always end up lost because all of these stupid walls look the same. Like at least have something to make them look different! There were only stupid paintings that I didn't care to memorize. The only ones I paid attention to were the ones that looked like Seraphina. But even then they all blended together which meant I would still be lost.

I spin around in a small circle, my thumb brushing over my bracelet as I hum slightly. I mean I would probably find my way back to my room or the throne room eventually but I was actually kind of happy that I was lost. I mean no one could bother me or pester me about what they wanted to be called. I felt peace.

I wander through the halls, eventually finding a window. I opened it, surprised to see that I'm much lower down than I thought. Is this castle sloped or something? Because I had not gone down any steps!..Could it be witchcraft? I ponder that question as I lift one of my legs over the edge, sitting on the window sill as I consider letting myself drop down. I mean it would be so easy and I probably wouldn't break anything. Plus it would be fun to try and escape again.

I swing my legs back and forth for a moment before I decide to say screw it and jump. My legs ache when I hit the ground but I manage to stay standing as I try to catch my breath and lean against the wall. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be! I mean in the books people can jump out of windows and just keep running but I needed a second to collect myself. I glance around, straightening up after a moment and taking a few toddling steps. My legs take a minute to adjust and so I bolt towards the castle gate as soon as they do.

I make it farther than I did last time but Orion practically stepping out from the shadows makes me freeze. Had he just been standing by the gate this whole time? That was...unfair! That had to count as some type of cheating.

"Where are you going princess?" Orion asks as he raises an eyebrow, making me flush in embarrassment at being called that.

"Nowhere....just out," I say with an innocent smile. I don't know if it's at all convincing seeing the way he rolls his eyes.

"Does Seraphina know that you're heading out?" Orion asks, making me nod. "Oh okay then, continue on your way," he says as he steps to the side. I am surprised he believed my lie but I try to walk past him as quickly as I can.

He grabs my arm and spins me around so that I'm facing back towards the castle. I huff, looking at him in confusion. I had just told him I had permission and he was going to let me go.

"Nice try, I am not as stupid as you would like me to be. I know Seraphina would have asked me to accompany you if you were allowed to leave the castle grounds," Orion says, making me stomp my foot.

"Worth a shot," I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as I pout. "Stupid guard," I say as I look at him.

"Your words are always so sweet," Orion says as he rolls his eyes. "Now what's your perfectly reasonable reason to run away this time?" he asks.

"Everyone wants new titles just cause I accidentally called Seraphina Mom," I huff, a small frown on my lips. He chuckles, stopping when I glare at him.

"Oh, my apologies. Such worry over them wanting to have titles is silly. You don't have to call them anything but their names, they just want to let you know that they're okay with you calling them those titles in case you get comfortable with it," Orion says, making me shake my head.

"No, they clearly want to deprive me of my happiness by talking about the titles that they want," I say dramatically, making him shake his head.

"If you try and run off again I'll lock you in a room with Draya and Pandora and have them fuss over titles again by saying you called me Uncle," Orion threatens, making me stare at him with wide eyes. That was such a cruel thing to say! He wouldn't do that! He couldn't possibly do that...could he?

"You're evil," I inform Orion. "I hope any regressor you find knows that you're evil," I tell him, smiling when he shakes his heads.

"There's some new maids being trained today, why don't you go make their life harder or something?" Orion asks, making me huff.

"Cause then I'll get in troubleeeeee," I drag out the word, letting him know how I feel about being in trouble based on the annoyed expression on my face.

"You don't care about being in trouble," Orion points out, making me ponder his words before nodding.

"Fair point. Good day to you captain bastard," I say as I salute him before running off, hearing his sigh of regret.

New character gets introduced next chapter

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