Chapter 126

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Didn't have the chance to upload this yesterday so here it is now. And with a new p.o.v.

*Kamili's P.O.V*

Watching Suzanna while she was regressed, I regretted letting Seraphina leave to go do some work. Ever since Suzanna has woken up, she's been regressed into the headspace of probably a young toddler or baby. Which I didn't mind! I loved having baby Suzanna on my hip all the time, truly I did, but there was something about this regression that disturbed me.

Suzanna had been nowhere as giggly as she normally was. She hadn't even smiled at me. Nor had she babbled a word. She had just stared at me with these wide brown eyes, her little nose crinkling up as her mouth opened but she never actually uttered a sound.

"What is it darling? Huh? Tell Mommy what's on your mind," I coo as I rub her stomach, drawing her into my arms as she stares at me. It was unerving, to not get a sound out of her. It was worrying me to every fiber in my body yet still I just sat with her, watching her look at the ceiling. I snapped my fingers, startling her a little as I scooped her up.

"Come, we'll find something much better for you to look at," I insist, kissing her cheek. One of her mitten hands moves to touch the cheek I had just kissed, her little eyes staring at me with wonder. The mittens she had on were improvised from some new socks I had gotten her but she had taken to accidentally scratching herself when she moved her hands, seeming unaware of how sharp her nails are so the mittens had had to do for now because there was no way I would win a fight against her when it came to trimming her nails.

I pat Suzanna's bottom, holding her close as I carry her out of the room. She was currently dressed in a diaper and one of Seraphina's nightgowns seeing as she had fought every other option. I didn't mind though, I wanted her to be comfortable and she looked adorable.

"Andy," I call as soon as I see Pandora, seeing the way her shoulders tense as she turns to look at me. She seems annoyed with the nickname but it wasn't my fault! I mean I had called her Pandy at first but Pandy had shortened itself into Andy so really it was her fault for letting me give her a nickname in the first place!

"What is it?" Pandora asks, smiling when she sees Suzanna and trying to hide it by pressing her lips together. I can still see the corners of her lips though, how they crinkle up just so when Suzanna's eyes land on her.

"I need to find something for Suzanna to stare up at. That's all she's been doing since she woke up is staring at the ceiling," I explain to Pandora, seeing the way her eyes crinkle up with concern as she looks at Suzanna. Suzanna doesn't even make eye contact, her head resting on my shoulder and seeming to look past Pandora. I pat Suzanna's bottom, trying to soothe her a little bit to see if I can get a reaction from her but alas I get nothing.

"Has she been like this all morning?" Pandora asks, sounding concerned as she frowns. I nod my head silently, feeling Suzanna's face bury into my shoulder as she moves her head away from Pandora.

"Yes and I don't know why. She won't even drink from the bottle I offer her, she just...lets the nipple sit there and doesn't even try to suckle. It's so strange," I whisper, combing my fingers through Suzanna's hair which makes her squirm slightly. Suzanna sighs as she presses her face into my neck, patting her bottom as I sway side to side with her.

"I am so curious about why she's acting this way, she's never been this way before," Pandora says as she coos at Suzanna who kicks her legs out slightly. I bounce her up onto my hip, making Suzanna press her face into my neck.

"Poor baby, follow me," Pandora says as she leads the way. I follow after her, Suzanna's fingers slipping into her mouth as Pandora leads up some winding steps. I follow after her, bouncing Suzanna slightly.

Pandora pulls out a key, unlocking the door to a room and allowing me to come in. I follow after her, my eyes widening when I see the stars that are painted on the ceiling.

"This room is technically for my little one but I don't think they would mind if they ever found out that I shared it with a little baby Suzanna who needs it," Pandora says as I lay Suzanna on the floor, laying her on her back. Suzanna kicks her legs, a small coo escaping her as she stares at the ceiling. I chuckle as I sit down beside her, laying down as she snuggles into me.

"Mommy," Suzanna's tiny voice snaps me out of my thoughts, making me turn to look at her.

"Head scary," Suzanna whispers as she looks at me, making my heart ache as I look at her.

"Your head is scary?" I ask, making her nod her head as she looks at me with a small frown on her lips. Her little lips are pursed as she looks at me. I frown as I cup her face, rubbing my thumb across her face as she sniffles slightly.

"Don't cry baby, Mommy is here. And no matter how scary your head is, I'll keep you safe. So will Auntie Panda, even if she is grumpy all the time," I whisper to Suzanna, making the corner of lips twitch up in a small smile as she looks at Pandora who raises an eyebrow.

"Are you talking bad about me over there?" Pandora asks, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head, making Suzanna giggle as she copies the action.

"Shhh, she can't hear us if we whisper," I whisper a little too loudly, Suzanna giggling even louder. As much as I loved quiet Suzanna, I much preferred the loud and giggly little girl who lit up my world.

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