Chapter 107

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*Seraphina's P.O.V*

I can't help but watch as Suzanna babbles to Kamili, showing her the doll she has in her hands. Suzanna is obviously very proud of the doll and I can't help but chuckle as I watch Suzanna offer it to Kamili.

"She's very good with Suzanna," Theron says from where he's leaning against the wall.

"Isn't she?" I smile softly as I look at Suzanna who glances at me. She grins happily as she reaches out for me, a giggle escaping her when I blow a kiss. She turns to Kamili excitedly, showing her hand to Kamili who pretends to steal the kiss off of it. Suzanna squeals in outrage as she tries to steal it back from Kamili.

"I've missed having a little one to care for," I admit quietly as Suzanna leans back in Kamili's lap and glares at her like she is the meanest person ever.

"I can tell. I could tell before the whole war started that you wanted another little one," Theron says. I purse my lips together as I nod slightly, tears pricking my eyes.

"Yeah but it's fine, I have my baby now," I say softly, glancing at him.

"Yeah, you do. A baby I don't have to help raise and I can teach her how to break all of your rules," Theron teases, making me laugh. It's a choked sound but I still manage to get it out.

"Don't you dare," I say as I give him a dirty look, upset that he would even think about teaching Suzanna how to break my rules. He smirks when he sees the look on my face and holds up his hands as if to defend himself.

"I most certainly would dare," Theron says as he taps my ankle with his cane, a small smirk on his lips. "And now that I am injured, I have a weapon to keep you away from me," he says as he lifts the cane up to poke me in the stomach like he was trying to push me back.

"Do you really wish to annoy me, Theron? You do remember who my mother is," I say dryly, laughing when he wisely decides to back away from me.

"Perhaps I should get reacquainted with Draya and remind her that she likes me and does not want to murder me," Theron muses to himself, bringing his free hand up to stroke an imaginary beard. I chuckle before looking at the pile of letters that I had sitting on my vanity.

News quickly had spread through the kingdom that Theron was alive which meant we had both been bombarded with invitations to numerous formal balls. I had been avoiding them ever since Malik's death and since Theron was presumed dead. Most of the nobles had been understanding that I was grieving but now they were not so much. Apparently since Theron wasn't actually dead and people had heard I had a new child, I was supposed to be done grieving. No one said that outright but it was very much implied.

"So I imagine you've already picked out which balls you want us to go to?" Theron asks and I glance at him, seeing him staring at the pile of letters. He had read someone, the nicer ones, and so he understood my frustration.

"Yes. I've also started planning one since we'll be expected to host our own," I murmur, staring at the letters with such disdain that I almost think for a second that they will catch fire and burn.

"So I imagine Damini will be coming by soon?" Theron asks and I smile as I turn my attention to him.

"We have the funds for it, especially since claiming Circe's hidden vault. I was thinking it would be nice to get some new sarees," I respond.

"Uh huh and it's certainly not because you want to see Suzanna dressed up in one," Theron states, giving me an amused look.

"She would look adorable in a saree," I defend my selfish desires with a huff, not believing that my husband would dare question my reasons.

"I never said she wouldn't be," Theron says as he holds his one hand up as if to defend himself. I roll my eyes as I look back at Suzanna, not totally surprised to see her almost asleep as Kamili rocks her back and forth.

"I don't understand how you can be around such an adorable child all day," Theron comments as I walk over to the letters, going to pick up the letters for the balls I wanted to attend. He could pick some out as well but I just wanted to show him the ones I want to go to first.

A letter falls off the desk and I bend down to pick it up, pausing as I turn it over to see who wrote it. My heart clenches painfully when I see the names of Suzanna's parents on it and it takes everything I have in me to not throw it in the fireplace. I crumple it up, shoving it in my dresser drawer.

"What's wrong?" Theron asks and I shake my head, not capable of answering. Suzanna's parents had been fine with me taking care of Suzanna, they had no reason to be writing to me.

"Nothing," I say with a fake smile before I walk outside onto the balcony and hold my arms out to Suzanna. Her sleepy eyes open a little bit as she reaches out for me, cooing happily when I pick her up and rest her on my hips.

"I know, you missed Mama," I say as I press a kiss to her forehead, enjoying the way her lips crinkle up into a smile at the small show of affection.

"She likes her mommy more," Kamili says as she sticks her tongue out, laughing when I narrow my eyes slightly.

"Not possible," I huff as I cover Suzanna's face in kisses, listening to her giggles of happiness at the affection. They instantly melted my bad mood over the letter and I completely forget about it as Suzanna snuggles into me.

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