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The O'Conner family were off on a much awaited holiday

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The O'Conner family were off on a much awaited holiday.  They were off to see Jakob. This would be Brian, Olivia, Jack and Tesha's fiest time meeting him. And Violet couldn't wait.
The three kids were currently in a shop opposite where Violet and Brian were sitting, in the airport.
"So what do you think Jakob's first thought of us is going to be?" Brian questions.
"You guys are family, he's going to love you." Violet reassures her husband.
"Well, from what Dom's told me he's a real nasty guy." Brian says.
"And when did he tell you that?" Violet asks.
"About a year ago." He answers.
Violet smiles and looks away as Brian crosses his legs before she looks back towards him.
"Brian, Dom doesn't know Jakob like I do, Jakob's lovely and he's gonna love you and the kids." Violet says. "Plus, things have changed since a year ago. Dom and Jakob actually get along."
"Who would have seen that coming?" Brian says with a laugh.
"Definitely not me." Violet says laughing as well. "Are you sure, you aren't worried about meeting him?"
"What gives you that idea?" Brian asks.
"The look on your face." Violet says with a laugh.
"Okay, maybe I am a little worried." Brian admits.
"Babe, we're married there's no need to be worried." Violet tells him.
"Do I need to remind you that this is your brother we're talking about?" Brian asks.
"Bri, you will be fine, okay. Just chill out a little." Violet reassures him.
"Fine. Only for you." Brian says causing Violet to smile at him.
"Thank you." Violet says laughing before their three children run over to them.
"Hey mom. Hey dad." Olivia says sitting down next to Violet.
"Hey guys, did you buy anything?" Violet asks as Tesha sits on the other side of her and Jack sits next to Brian.
"No, we just looked around." Jack replies.
"well, are you guys excited to meet uncle Jakob?" Violet asks.
"Yes! I can't wait. I really hope he likes us." Tesha says.
"Of course he's going to like you guys." Violet replies.
"Have you met uncle Jakob yet, dad?" Olivia asks.
"First time, just like you guys." Brian answers.
"Will we be going straight to see him?" Jack asks.
"You guys will be meeting him tomorrow. I'm going to be going and seeing him today when we land, just to let him know we arrived and just to catch up by ourselves a bit." Violet explains.
"Can we please come with you?" Tesha begs.
"Sweetie, mom needs some brother and sister alone time with Jakob, just like you sometimes like brother and sister alone time with Jack and Olivia." Brian explains causing Tesha to sigh.
"Okay." Tesha says sitting back in her chair and crossing her arms annoyed.
"It's just one more day, baby, then you'll get to meet him." Violet says stroking her youngest's head.
"Do you think he'll like the picture I drew for him?" Tesha asks sitting up excitedly.
"Oh. I think He'll love it." Violet says.
The announcment for there plane then comes on.
"Okay, let's get going guys. Don't leave anything behind." Brian says.
The family stand up grabbing their bags, before Tesha grabs Violet's hand as they head to their gate.


The O'Conner family had just landed. Brian, Jack, Olivia and Tesha had gone to the hotel while Violet had gone to Jakob's house. When she get's there she sees him outside doing something to his car.
"Nice car." Violet says walking over.
Her brother looks up at her and smiles.
"Hey, Vi." Jakob says standing up and giving his sister a hug once she reached him.
"Hey." She replies.
"How are you?" He asks.
"I'm good. How are you?" She asks.
"Good. Happy you could come. Are Brian and the kids here?" He asks.
"No. They're back at the hotel." Violet answers.
"You do know you guys could just stay with me, there's plenty of space." Jakob tells her.
"It's fine, honestly. The kids love when we stay in hotels. Whenever we go on holiday they spend at least an hour everyday at the pool in the hotel. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to drag Brian to the pool as soon as they got there." Violet says with a laugh.
"I remember when you were Tesha's age and you use to love swimming as well, pretty much every weekend you and Luke Williams would beg me and his parents to take you to the indoor swimming pool at that leisure centre." Jakob says with a laugh.
"Guess the kids got that from me then. Brian's tod me he was never much of a swimmer as a kid. He hated the water." Violet says with a small laugh.
"They definitely got it from you then." Jakob says also laughing.
"At least he likes water now. The amount of times he's been in water due to either driving off a cliff into the water below, or he's been in the pool with the kids." Violet says.
"So how are the kids finding school?" Jakob asks.
"They seem to be enjoying it. But me and Brian have talked about starting to homeschool them.  Not for any particular reason, just that we think it might be what's best for the family. I mean, Nico and little B are homeschooled." Violet explains.
"Have Nico and Little B talked to Jack, Olivia and Tesha about what it's like to be homeschooled?" Jakob questions.
"Nico's talked to Jack about it, because let's be honest, those two are partner's in crime. I'm just waiting for the day me and Mia get the phone calls saying the two of them are in jail." Violet says with a laugh.
"Let's just hope that doesn't happen. We don't need anyone else from the family going to jail." Jakob says jokingly.
"No, we definitely do not." Violet says.
"We're probably the family that is the most famous family for all the wrong reasons." Jakob points out.
"Yeah, most likely." Violet agrees. "I should probably start heading back to the hotel. I'll call you tomorrow when we are leaving the hotel."
"Of course, it was niceseeing you again, sis." Jakob says.
"Nice seeing you again too, J." Violet replies hugging him.
They pull apart and share a smile before Violet walks away.

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