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Violet, Vivian and Samuel were all sat in the living room in silence

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Violet, Vivian and Samuel were all sat in the living room in silence. The meeting for the two girls with Dante was all arranged. They were all pretty nervous and didn't want to dare to say a word. While they were sat there was a knock on the door. Samuel goes to answer it, only to surprise Violet a couple moments later when he comes back into the room with her husband.
"Brian? What are you doing here?" Violet asks.
"We need to talk." Brian says.
Violet looks at Vivian then to Samuel, before looking at her husband and nodding.

"So..." Violet trails off.
"Why didn't you tell me what has been going on? I had to find out from our daughter." Brian says.
"I know, okay? I know." Violet sighs. "But you can't really speak about not telling you something when you kept, probably the most important thing in my life from me."
"That's not half what you didn't tell me." Brian says, causing Violet to sigh.
"What are we doing?" Violet asks. "We never fight."
"I don't know." Brian says, before stepping closer to her and placing his hands on her upper arms. "But I'm really worried about you. Samuel called me and told me you and Vivian were planning on doing something. What could be so bad that Samuel had to call me?"
"It's complicated." Violet says.
"What's so complicated that you can't tell your husband?" Brian asks, causing Violet to step back and look down.
"I've been thinking..." Violet says, looking down before looking back up. "I... I can't... I can't do this anymore, Brian. I just can't."
"What does that mean?" Brian asks, a few tears coming to his eyes.
Violet chocks back her tears as she looks away from his eyes for a moment before looking back up.
"People grow, B. And they grow apart. The life we live isn't easy. The pressure can cause people to end things. And..." Violet starts.
"What are you saying, Vi?" Brian asks.
"I'm... I'm saying I think we had a good time while it lasted." Violet says.
"While what lasted?" Brian asks.
"Don't make me say it, B. Please don't." Violet says.
"You want to end things between us?" Brian questions.
"As of now. It's for the best. It's what's best for the kids. Maybe at some point we can try again. But as of now..." Violet says.
"Vi." Vivian says, coming into the room. "Oh, sorry, am I... am I interrupting something?"
"No... No not at all." Violet says, wipping the tears from her eyes. "Everything okay?"
"It's Uhm... It's time to go." Vivian says.
"Right, right. Yeah, Uhm... I'll be right there." Violet says, causing Vivian to leave before she leaves.
"Vi, please." Brian says, grabbing her hands. "Talk to me."
"I can't." Violet says. "I'm sorry."
"Vi..." Brian says.
Violet let's out another sigh before kissing Brian.
"I love you no matter what. Remember that, okay?" Violet says .
"I love you to." Brian says. "Which is why I can't let you go."
"You have to let me go, Brian. It's what's best." Violet says, as she pulls her hands away from his grasp. "Goodbye Brian."


Tesha. Mia and Nico were watching a film. Nico had gone to get them some more snacks so while the movie was paused, Tesha takes the time to ask Mia a question she had been dying to ask.
"Auntie Mia. Do you know why dad had to go? And where he had to go?" Tesha asks.
"I'm not 100% sure, sweetpea. I'm sure him and your mom will be back soon." Mia says, before muttering. "Wherever she is."
"I'm sure their fine, Tesh." Nico says, coming into the room after hearing the conversation. "Have you met your parents. They can literally survive anything."
"He's not wrong." Mia says, turning to her niece after looking at her son.
"I know. Just dads told me everything that's happened over the years and now I'm just really worried." Tesha admits.
"It's okay, and understandable to be worried, but I promise you they will be completely fine. So will Liv and Jack. They'll be back and annoying you before you know it." Mia says.
"I think I annoy them more." Tesha says, causing Mia to laugh.
"We'll, you can all annoy each other, okay?" Mia says, causing Tesha to nod.
"Okay." Tesha says.
Nico then sits back down and they start the movie again.


After Jack, Jakob and Little B were back on ground, Jack decided to call his sister to make sure she was okay.
"Liv?" Jack questions.
"Hey, J." Olivia replies.
"I didn't think I would ever say this, but it's so nice to hear your voice." Jack says, causing Olivia to laugh.
"It's nice to hear your voice to, J." Olivia replies.
"You okay?" Jack asks.
"Well, I'm with Han, Roman, Tej and Ramsey at the moment and the agency is on our tail." Olivia says. "But besides that, I'm fine."
"Wait. Why's the agency on your tail?" Jack asks.
"Long story short, we went to see someone who Ramsey thought we could trust, but turns out we can't. Now Han is taking us some place and I'm not to sure where." Olivia says. "What about you. You're with Jakob and Little B, right? You guys okay?"
"Yeah, we're in Portugal, I think." Jack says. "The agency nearly caught us as well but we managed to get away. "Uncle Jakob has an awesome kayak of Canó, not sure which one it is. But it turns into a small plane."
"Awesome." Olivia says.
"I know. But I'm not 109% where we are going right now." Jack admits, as Han waves his hand signalling to Olivia that they were there.
"Well it looks like we're... wherever we are. I'll call you in a couple days of when this is all over, whichever one comes first." Olivia says.
"Okay, stay safe, sis." Jack tells her.
"I will, you stay safe to, bro." Olivia replies. "Love you."
"Love you to." Jack responds.
Olivia then hangs up and looks at Han as she puts her phone in her pocket.
"So where are we?"


Violet and Vivian arrive at the restaurant and look around until Violet's eyes land on the person they were looking for.
"There he is. Dante Reyes."

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