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Dom was in the police van, when he put his seatbelt on,  knowing what was about to happen

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Dom was in the police van, when he put his seatbelt on, knowing what was about to happen. The agency men and Aimes laughed, but soon the van gets hit with a missle and all the agency men go flying, apart from Aimes who was sat infront of Dom. Dom throws his foot to Aimes chest so he would stay in place as they both hold onto the handles above their heads. The van turns over multiple times before coming to a stop. The men open the door before running out. Loads of people were shooting at each other by the time Dom steps out of the van. When he does he sees Dante getting out of his car.
"Dominic." Dante shouts, as Dom hides behind a flipped over car. "I brought you back to where we first met. And I have a surprise for you."
Dante opens his boot before pulling Isabel out. Dom notices the oil leaking from the car he was hiding behind and gets it set up so it would drive on its own. As he was trying to flip it Aimes turns to him.
"Dom!" Aimes shouts, causing Dom to look at him before he throws him the gun. "I'm listening now."
Aimes goes off to fight some more men, while Dom flips the car over using one arm. When it was flipped over it drives in a circle taking a car out in the process. Dom shoots a bunch of guys, as Aimes does the same. They both make their way forward and Dante approaches them holding Isabel.
"Dominic. Dominic." Dante says. "You stop hurting my new friends."
"No, I'm only here to hurt you." Dom replies, as he hears a car door open and shut from the other side of the road. He looks over to see Violet and Vivian walking over to the group. "Vi?"
"Hello, big brother." Violet says, as her and Vivian stand next to Dante.
"Remember the surprise I told you about on the phone?" Dante asks, using one arm to keep hold of Isabel and the other he uses to wrap around Violet's shoulders. "Your darling sister here came to me looking to team up. And how could I pass up that offer. One of your own, teaming up with me. It's like a dream come true."
"Why? Why are you doing this?" Dom asks, looking at Violet.
"You talk so highly about family, but you can't even tell me the goddamn truth about who my real family is!" Violet shouts.
"Because I was trying to protect you!" Dom replies.
"How is keeping her from her real family protecting her?" Vivian asks. "Sorry, should've introduced myself. "I'm Vivian. Violet's biological sister."
"I'm not going to lie to ya." Dante cuts in. "That little car stunt you just did. That was pretty awesome wasn't it?"
"Yep." Vivian says, as her and Violet cross their arms over their chest.
"It was so cool." Dante says, in a high pitch voice, moving Isabel's head, before pulling out a knife. "If you don't stop I will cut her everywhere."
The people behind Violet, Vivian, Dante and Isabel then get shot down. They turn to see Tess, as she jumps onto Dante's car.
"What is she doing here?" Vivian whispers to Violet, who shrugs in response.
"There she is. Fashionably late." Dante says, turning around to look at Dom again.
Tess looks over at the two girls as she continues to point the gun at Dante.
"Sorry." She mouths.
Violet and Vivian just nod before also turning around.
"You got me." Dante says, letting go of Isabel. He licks her cheek before pushing her away. Isabel runs over and hugs Dom, causing Violet to slightly tense.
"Asshole." Vivian whispers under her breath.
"Family. Ugh." Dante says, before turning to Violet and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Must hurt right, Vi? Seeing your brother treat someone like a little sister? Replacing you the moment you leave."
Dom glares at Dante before turning to Violet.
"Vi, that's not..." Dom starts.
"Will you please get off my car." Dante asks Tess, cutting Dom off. Tess scratches her foot into the car, causing Dante to gasp as he turns back to Dom. "That's so disrespectful." Dante says.
"You talk to much." Dom says, before attacking Dante.
After punching Dante a little Dom throws him into a car.
"Stop, stop. You don't know your own strength." Dante says, sitting up against the car, before pulling a tooth out of his mouth. He throws it at Dom before standing up. "You butthole. Do you like ballet? I adore Swanlake. I feel your more of a 'Nutcracker' guy."
Dante counts down, before making a dramatic arm gesture to Tess, just as the blonde gets shot.
"No!" Dom shouts, as Violet and Vivian gasp, placing their hands over their mouths.
They all look up to see a helicopter in the air, a guy with a gun in the entrance. The guy shoots Aimes, before another guy joins the first one. One of them points their gun at Isabel while the other points there's at Violet. Green dots show up on both the girls chest.
"Oh no, their both imperilled. What will you do? Who will you choose?" Dante asks, as Dom gives Violet an apologetic look. "You know what your problem is. Family. You can't save them all."
Dante starts counting down and Dom runs to Isabel. Violet watches him, only becoming more hurt then she already was. The two men start shooting at Dom and Isabel, but Dom picks up a car door to shield them. The helicopter then leaves and Dante walks over to Tess.
"You okay?" Vivian whispers.
Violet just nods before following Dante.
"You don't like ballet. I can feel it." Dante says to Tess, who was laying on the floor, as he kneels down beside her. "May I please have the Gods Eye?"
"Screw you." Tess says.
"No?" Dante asks, as he pokes his finger in Tess' gunshot wound. He then sees the device and picks it up. "Oh. There it is. Ooh gotcha. Good trade keep the car."
Dante gets up and starts walking away. Violet and Vivian follow, going to stop to help Tess but she shakes her head.
"Go. Don't ruin the plan." Tess whispers.
The two girls nod, with tight lipped smiles before following Dante.
"Oh Dommy! I told you. You owe me suffering. Your legacy's in money or power or the family you built and the life you lead. It's the life you made. And a father and a son is everything." Dante says as Dom stands up, looking at Dante, but watching behind him as Violet and Vivian get into the helicopter. "You killed my father on this bridge. Now I know where to find your son. And I have your little sister in arms reach at all times."
Dante gets in a helicopter and wraps an arm around Violets shoulder waving at Dom who was running towards the helicopter.
"Violet!" Dom shouts.
Violet just gives him an apologetic look as the helicopter takes off.

Once the helicopter was gone, Dom rushed over to Tess.
"Kind of hurts."  Tess says, laughing a little.
"Your father would be proud." Dom says.
"Yeah. You will stop him." Tess tells him. "Have faith."
Tess then hands him the cross necklace, which was a little bit bloody, but along with the cross necklace, she hands him a note. Dom looks at them as Isabel walks over.
"She needs a hospital." Isabel says.
Dom picks Tess up and follows Isabel to a car.
"Your gonna be okay." Dom tells Tess, after putting her down in the car.
"I got her." Isabel reassures Dom. "Go save your son. My nephew."
Isabel then gets in the car and drives off as Aimes gets up and stands a little away from Dom.
"I'm not going to say I'm sorry. But let me do you one better.  Let's go get your son." Aimes says.
"And my sister."


"How are you doing?" Vivian asks, walking up to Violet who was sat on the hotel room bed.
"Not sure." Violet admits, looking down before looking up with a sigh.
"Hey." Vivian says, walking over to sit opposite her. "Talk to me. What's going on?"
"I just can't help but feel a little hurt that Dom chose to save Isabel. He should know that I wouldn't turn on him and that this was all part of a big plan." Violet says. "What if now that I know the truth, he's stopped caring about me? Or what if he hasn't cared about me ever and he's just been pretending?"
"I'm sure that's not true. I don't know why he chose to save that girl. But what I do know is that he hasn't just been pretending to care about you, and I know that he still cares about you." Vivian says.
"How can you be so sure about that?" Violet questions.
"I just have a feeling. And my feelings are never wrong." Vivian says.
"Well, there's a first time for everything." Violet responds.
"We'll that's not this time." Vivian says.
Violet looks at Vivian before laughing, causing Vivian to laugh as well.
"Thanks, Viv." Violet says.
"Of course." Vivian says.
Violet smiles widely before hugging Vivian tightly.

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