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The group had just finished coming up with the plan to take Linder down

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The group had just finished coming up with the plan to take Linder down. They were now all just sitting around and talking until Violet stand up causing the others to give her a confused look.
"Hey. Where are you going?" Brian asks.
"I think we should be celebrating that all of this is nearly over." Violet says going over to the fridge and opening it.
"You what to celebrate the fact that one of us could die in a couple of days?" Roman asks.
"No ones going to die." Violet says grabbing a few beers from the fridge.
"How do you know that?" Johnny asks as Violet walks back over to them.
"I just do. Now will you guys just stop being such downers." Violet says handing each of them a bottle before going over and getting a bottle opener. Violet opens her bottle before taking a big sip then looking at the others and throwing the bottle opener at Roman. "Catch."
"What the hell Vi, that could have cut my eye out." Roman says.
"Sorry." Violet says with a giggle causing Brian to sigh and get up and walk over to her.
"Put that down." Brian says taking the bottle from her hand and placing it on the counter before taking Violet's hand. "Come with me." Brian starts dragging her out the kitchen and upstairs.
"Hey." Violet says as Brian drags her into their bedroom and closes the door so the others can't hear.
Brian walks over and places his hands on Violet's shoulders.
"Vi. Baby, what's going on?" Brian asks.
"Nothing what are you talking about?" Violet asks trying to act innocent.
"You don't normally act like this." Brian says. "So just tell me what's going on."
"Ok you know those ten minutes when I was over checking that the kids were asleep?" Violet asks.
"Yeah?" Brian says in a questioning tone.
"Well I may have snuck a couple beers over and had them as the kids were asleep and the babysitter was in the kitchen doing some of her college work." Violet explains looking at Brian innocently.
"What? So you are already drunk?" Brian asks.
"Yep." Violet says popping the p.
"Ok get ready for bed and get into bed I will be up in a bit to check that you are asleep." Brian tells her as he walks towards the door.
"Aren't you going to ask why I did it?" Violet asks confused.
"Nope. Because I already know why." Brian says before opening the door and walking out before closing it again.

Brian heads back downstairs to the others and as he walks into the kitchen they all turn to look at him with confusion and worry all over their faces.
"Brian what's going on?" Roman asks.
Brian explains what Violet had told him causing Mia to sigh and put her head in her hands.
"She only does that when she is stress." Mia says causing Brian to nod.
"I know. That's why I told her to get some sleep and hopefully she should feel a bit better in the morning." Brian says causing Mia to nod.
"Hopefully." Mia says.
"Does she normally act like this?" Johnny asks. "Because she never acted like this when I first met her or during what was happening in Greece."
"It's a new thing. We are all pretty sure that it has something to do with everything we have faced since what happened in Greece." Brian says.
"Who do you mean by 'we all'?" Roman asks.
"Me, Mia, Vis' brother Dom and the rest of our friends." Brian says before there was a knock at the door. "That should be Jason. If I let him in can you guys tell him the plan while I go check on Vi?"
"Of course." Roman says.
"Ok thanks." Brian says before leaving the room and going over to the door. "Hey Jason."
"Hey Brian." Jason replies.
"Come in. How have you been?" Brian asks as Jason's reps into the house.
"I've been good what about you?" Jason replies.
"I've been ok. Violet's not feeling well so I am going to check on her. If you head into the kitchen you will see Mia and a couple other people there they will tell you the plan for taking down Linder." Brian tells him.
"Ok." Jason says before he heads into the kitchen and Brian heads upstairs.

Brian slowly opens the bedroom door to find Violet already asleep. He smiles and goes over and kisses her forehead before leaving the room again and going downstairs to join the others.

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