Rain first day in college 🤗

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Rain was a very simple guy....

Though Payu dad told him to take any of the car to college he refused it...

Even he did not like to use his mom car so he was happy travelling in bus and metro to college...

Rain was very exited for his first day in college...

He knew even Payu was studying there but he thought of not to face him and just do his work..

Rain reaches the college...

He goes to his class and makes a new friend called Tim...

Tim was nerd he did not have any friends so Rain liked him and made him his friend...

Tim also liked Rain... as Rain was very simple and caring...

Payu had one close friend James and other one was Vicky who was just a normal friend to Payu...

Vicky came running to where Payu and his other friends were sitting in cafeteria

Vicky : Payu... James...
My god I saw a cute boy this morning....

Oh my god he is so cute....
I liked him so much....

James : Who is he...??? What is he studying..??

Vicky : He is a freshman as far as I know he went to Arts building this morning...

But am telling you he is really cute...

Payu : Shut up...!!!
Why are you acting like you have never seen any cute guys in your life...???

Vicky : I have seen but not as cute as the guy I saw morning...

As they were speaking Rain enters the cafeteria with Tim...

As they were speaking Rain enters the cafeteria with Tim

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Vicky sees Rain...

Vicky : Holy shit...
The cute guy came to cafeteria...

What will I do..??
Shall I go talk to him...???

James : Who is the cute guy...???

Vicky shows Rain to James...

James : Ohh that guy is really cute as you said..

Payu was not interested in the conversation so he was just bending his head and using his mobile...

But seeing Vicky's excitement Payu lifts his head up and see the direction where Vicky and James were seeing...

Payu was shocked to see Rain...

He did not knew Rain joined to same college as him and also he did not knew Vicky was speaking about Rain until this second...

Rain also sees Payu...

But he doesn't give any expression and acts as he doesn't know him and goes away with Tim...

Payu : Vicky is that the guy you were talking about...???

Vicky : Yes Payu...
He is cute right...???

Payu just nodes his head...
His face was black with no expression...

James : What happened Payu...???

Payu : That guy is my step brother...!!!

James and Vicky : Whatttt...!!!!????

Payu : Yes... his name is Rain...
My dad and his mom are in relationship and they recently moved in with my dad...

James : Oh so that is the reason your staying separately from few days....???

Payu : Yes...!!!

Vicky : My god Payu... your going to become my brother-in-law...

Payu : What...??? Why...???

Vicky : Because I liked your step brother a lot and am going to pursue him...

Payu : Vicky.. don't joke around... it's enough...

Vicky : Am serious Payu...
I like him a lot...

Payu : Vicky he is not your type to just play around....

You just play with girls and guys here and there...

But he is very simple and different...

Vicky : That is what... he is simple and different...
That is the reason I want him...

Payu tries a lot to stop Vicky but he was not in a situation to listen to Payu...

Vicky directly goes to Rain...

Vicky : Hello Rain...
Am Vicky...!!!

Rain : Hello...

Vicky : Payu just told me that your his step brother...
Am glad to know that...

Am Payu's friend...

Rain looks at Payu in confusion....

Payu eyes was fixed on Rain and Vicky...

Rain : Oh nice to meet you...

Payu was getting so mad when Rain smiled and spoke with Vicky...

Vicky : Rain can I say something...

Rain : Yes P Vicky...

Vicky : Your so cute... I just wanted to give you this compliment so I came to speak to you...

Rain : oh really.. thank you so much...

Vicky : Rain... am studying in business major in final year...

You can approach me for any help...

Am not rude like your step brother got it...

Saying this Vicky says bye to Rain and Rain also says bye to Vicky...

Payu was completely irritated by Vicky now...

James : Wow Vicky that was cool...
You straight away went and spoke to him...

Vicky : This was just a start...
Wait for me...

Even Rain kept on looking at Payu...
He doesn't understand why in his whole life no one ever felt so handsome and sexier than Payu...

Payu was so pissed that he gets up from the table

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Payu was so pissed that he gets up from the table... just stares at Rain and goes off...

Rain was so confused...
He did not know why Payu was staring at him so angrily...

He just thought might be Payu is angry because he joined same college as Payu and that might be the reason Payu got irritated...

He explains everything to Tim who was sitting blank...

Tim : So that handsome Payu is your step brother..???

Rain : Yes...

Note : There are lot of twists...
Please keep on reading....

End of chapter...🤗🤗🤗
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