Unknown feelings 🫶🏼❤️

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Rain : Jealous...!!!
But why..???

Payu : I don't know...
If I had an answer I would not be reacting like this...

Rain : Then leave me I need to go....

Payu : Where are you going...???

Rain : I will go back home...!!!

Payu : With whom...???

Rain : I came with Vicky so I should go back with him....

Let me go speak to him...

Payu : Rain...!!!
Are you out of your mind...

Rain : Why..???

Payu : I just now told you not to get close to him and your telling you will go back with him and speak to him...

Am not letting you go speak to him...

Come I will drop you home....

Rain : But Phi... let me inform him that am going...

Payu : Send him a text...
Am not letting you go see him again...

Rain was so confused why Payu was acting like this..

Rain texts Vicky...

"Sorry for what happened...
Am going back home with Payu... see you!!"

Payu was staring at Rain's mobile...

Rain : I have sent the text...

Payu holds Rain hands and brings him to his car...

Makes Rain to sit inside...

Payu goes and sits in the driver seat and puts the seat beat on Rain...

Payu : Dad told you to take any car right...
Why don't you bring the car...???

Rain : I already told you...
I like a simple lifestyle...

I agreed to stay in your dad's home only because of my mom's happiness...

Payu likes the opinions of Rain...

Payu : If Vicky asks you to pick or drop you...
Please don't go with him...

Well let's do this...

Shall I pick you up and drop you everyday..???

Rain : I don't want to trouble you P Payu...
Am happy travelling in bus and metro and taxi...

Payu : But your my cute little step brother...
I don't want you to take risk by travelling in bus...

Rain murmurs...

Rain : No one ever kissed their little brother like that...😃😅 so romantically....

Payu : What did you say ???

Rain : Ahh nothing...!!!

They reaches home...

Outside the gate...

Payu : Rain be ready by morning I will come to pick you up... alright

Rain : hmmm okay fine Phi...

Rain was about to open the car door to get down..

Payu holds Rain hands...

Rain : What phi...???

Payu caresses Rain lips....

Payu : Don't forget your first kiss...
Your really very cute....

Rain blushes and smiles at Payu and gets down from the car..

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