Your happiness matters ❤️

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It's was morning and Payu was still sleeping he heard a sound of someone sniffing next to him...

Payu opened his eyes to see Rain sitting on bed and crying...

Payu was suddenly panicked and gets up from the bed...

Payu : Baby what happened..???
Sweetie why are you crying early in the morning...???

Rain was still crying without responding to Payu...

Payu : Sweetie please tell me what happened...???

Rain suddenly hugs Payu tightly...

Rain : Am scared...
Am scared of loosing you...!!!

Payu : What happened baby...??
Why will you loose me...??
I am here right in front of you...!!!

Rain : Phi Payu...
You know we are step brothers and if our parents finds out about our relationship..
What will happen...???

Am scared... am scared that everything will go wrong...

No one will end up living happily...

Payu : Baby please listen to me...
Don't cry...

Am there with you na...

Come let's go to our parents and tell the truth...
Let's see what happens...

Rain : No.... I don't want to spoil my mom's happiness...

Payu : Baby listen to me...
We are not doing anything wrong...
We just love each other so much....
There is nothing wrong in that...

Instead of hiding this with our parents let's talk to them and see what they will say...

Common now get ready...

Will go home and speak to our parents...

After lot of convincing Rain finally agrees and they both gets ready...

They reaches Payu dad home...

Rain was so nervous...

Payu holds his hands...

Payu : Baby don't be nervous am there with you... what ever it is let's face it together....

Rain hugs Payu...

Rain : Please don't leave me...

Payu : No baby I won't...I promise I will never leave till my last breath

They both gets down from the car and goes inside the house....

Payu dad and Rain mom both were sitting in the living room...

Payu dad : Oh what a surprise...
My son as come home again...!!!

Payu : Dad... Auntie I need to speak something serious...

Rain mom : What happened Payu..??
Is anything wrong...???

Why Rain is standing like that with a pale face...???

Payu takes a deep breath...

Payu : Dad... Auntie....
Actually what I wanted to say is....

Me and Rain are dating...!!!
We love each each so much...!!!

Payu dad and Rain mom were shocked

Rain starts to cry out of nervousness...

Payu goes to Rain and hugs him infront of their parents and consoles him...

Payu : Baby please don't cry...
Everything will be fine...

Payu dad : Payu..!!!
We are still here...

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