First romantic kiss 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨😘

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At the Uni....

Rain was sitting on the bench alone and reading a book...

He saw Payu with Pie walking together to their building...

Payu was smiling and Pie was all over Payu...

Rain feels bit sad looking Payu with that girl...

This happens in the lunch time as well...

Pie was all over Payu...

Rain feels sad and was eating his lunch.... Along with Tim...

Payu looks at Rain...

Payu was just staring at Rain but Rain did not know that Payu was looking at him...

Vicky goes and sits next to Rain....

Vicky : Can I have lunch with you...???

Rain looks at Payu and Pie...

He replies...

Rain : Sure... why not....!!!

Vicky starts to eat with Rain and Tim...

Payu was getting so jealous....seeing Vicky with Rain...

Vicky even takes a spoonful of food and takes it near to Rain mouth....

Vicky : Here have it....

Pie looks at Payu just staring at Rain...

She gets pissed...

She takes the spoonful food and forcefully makes Payu to eat...

Rain saw that and gets irritated...

So he opens mouth and gets fed by Vicky...

Seeing that Payu blood starts to boil....

Similar things continues on the next day....

Payu was so jealous....

He couldn't understand why this jealously was not leaving him to be at peace....

Pie understands something is wrong...

It's was Friday so Pie forces Payu and James to go to the pub with her....

Vicky was also there so he gets the idea of asking Rain to come with him to the pub....

He quickly approaches Rain and asks him to come with him to pub...

Payu, Pie and James were just sitting in the next table...

Rain : I really don't go to any pubs...
Am not interested....

Vicky : Rain please come with me....
Even Payu... Pie and James are coming...

Listening to that Rain gets mad that Payu was going to pub with Pie....

So he agrees to go to pub with Vicky...

Vicky was so happy...

Vicky : Great..!!!
I will come pick you up....

Payu was so angry that his blood was boiling...

Rain was ready...

Vicky goes and picks Rain...

Vicky : Rain you look so beautiful and cute...

Rain : Thank you phi...

At the pub...

Payu... James and Pie had already come...

Payu looks at Rain...

Payu looks at Rain

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