Walden drew on his bed as Wayne came inside smiling.
"Hello, Walden, I wanted to talk with you," said Wayne, sitting by Walden's left side. "Mom and I aren't trying to be overprotective. We just don't want you to get hurt out there."
"Sigh, I know, Dad. But it's a huge world to explore out there," whimpered Walden as Wayne put a plate of donuts on his lap. "Hehe. Thanks."
"You'll be able to explore the world one day, Walden," chuckled Wayne, rubbing Walden's hair, then walking out of the room. "He's a nice boy."
Walden snickered and got up, then got a birthday candle to use as a torch. Walden lit the birthday candle, then crawled through a secret trapdoor.
"Mum and Dad think I'm asleep. Hopefully, Winnie doesn't be a tattletale," snickered Walden, running under the floor with the birthday candle. He used a handmade elevator, got off, looked through a vent, and saw Faye's room. "That must be the girl Mum talks about, the one who sets traps to catch us."
Faye watched tv on her bed. There was a commercial about a kitsune named Lyra and her exterminator job.
"Lyra Wiliski - The best exterminator in town!" said a woman on the tv.
"Pfft, nothing good's on tv right now," grumbled Faye as Walden sneaked out of the vent and watched the tv. Faye switched the channel and smiled. "A rerun of my favorite movie. I should watch it to get a recap before the new movie comes out."
"Too bad we don't have small tv," whimpered Walden. He used a rope to climb down and walked on a shelf to get a better look but accidentally knocked a figure over, getting Faye's attention. "OH!"
Walden ran behind another figure as Faye looked at her shelf.
"What was that? A bug?" asked Faye, confused as Walden sweated. "Meh, must've been me."
Walden sighed in relief as Faye sat back down but realized his birthday candle wasn't with him. Walden looked before him and saw the birthday candle.
"Oh no," shivered Walden. He crept slowly and tried getting the candle, but Faye suddenly slammed a jar on him. "AHHHH!"
Faye put the jar on a table and smiled.
"Wow! A little person!" chuckled Faye as Walden shivered and closed his eyes. "Huh, it's scared."
"Go ahead, squish me," whimpered Walden.
"Squish you? Why would I squish you?" asked Faye.
"It's what you biggies like to do!" growled Walden.
"Big people."
"Oh! I'm not going to squish you."
Walden stopped shivering and looked at Faye.
"You're ... not going to squish me?" asked Walden, confused as Faye nodded his head. "I thought all biggies hated us."
"I don't hate you. I think it's cool! I never imagined small werewolves were living in our house!" chuckled Faye. She suddenly realized something. "Oh right, I forgot. We have to move out of our house."
"A lady named Frankenginger wants to demolish our house so she can build an apartment complex. My dad's aunt has a will so we can keep my house, but we couldn't find it. We're moving out tomorrow morning," explained Faye.
"That means my family has to move too!" whimpered Walden. "Wait, maybe I can help ya. Since I'm small enough, I can travel through the house and find the will!"

The Little Werewolves
AdventureA family of tiny werewolves named Wayne, Wanda, Walden, and Winnie live in a flesh-golem family's house, the Stein family, Frankenstein, Eunice, and Faye. However, the little werewolves find out a flesh golem woman named Ginger wants to cheat the St...