Chapter 1

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The Lamb stepped through the entrance to her cult, her crown allowing her to travel instantly. She had just come back from fighting Narinder, the battle leaving her shaky with adrenaline. Upon seeing her magnificent cult that she spent ages building, she heaved a sigh of relief.


"She's back!"

Her followers surrounded her with admiration in their eyes, celebrating her victory. The Lamb smiled with satisfaction, though taking little notice of them. Instead, her eyes turned toward the indoctrination portal with a widening smirk.

Kneeling on the cold pavement was none other than Narinder, whom she had just fought against. At that same moment, Narinder raised his head, viciously staring her dead in the eyes. The Lamb walked towards him, unfazed. Her most loyal followers could even see a bounce in her step.

"Even though you were able to defeat me, false idol, you could not help but choose mercy in the end. You coward." Narinder glanced around as he talked, showing disgust at the lively decorations and warm gathering of followers.

"I wouldn't get too cocky if I were you, The One Who Waits. Soon, you will know my reason for this 'mercy'," the Lamb replied. An evil glint flashed in her eyes.

Narinder snorted, not taking her words seriously.

"Leader! Sorry I'm late!"

Just then, a grey cat ran up to them, a white hat on top of his head, the symbol of Loyalty Enforcer. He panted as he stopped in front of the Lamb.

"Um, sorry, did I interrupt?" The cat finally saw Narinder, his eyes widening at the sight of the Chained One.

"No, you came just on time Hutou." The Lamb put her hand on her Loyal Enforcer's head affectionately. "Tell me, what jobs are in need of laborers?"

"Let's see... farming and janitor!" Hutou straightened his back and puffed up his chest.

"Thank you. You are doing such a good job taking care of the cult when I'm gone."

Narinder looked at their interaction in disgust. He looked around to find none of the other followers surprised. This cat is very much doted upon.

"Right. Narinder."

Narinder snapped back to the Lamb from his thoughts, a dark premonition brewing in his heart.

"As much as I'll like to see you clean up shit, I think worshipping is just as humiliating for you. Therefore, I order you to worship."

Narinder's expression darkened. It really is extremely humiliating to be forced to worship your enemy. Especially someone who used to worship him. Though, secretly a small place in his heart was glad to not have to clean shit. By this time, Narinder was fully aware of his circumstances. As the losing party in his lower form, he had no chance to win against the Lamb. He already lost all his dignity the moment he lost the fight of life and death.

"So be it, vessel no more."


By now, the majority of followers have considered Narinder one of their own. Only a few were still afraid of him. It was a stark contrast from when he first appeared on the indoctrination portal, before the Lamb made her way back. He found their quick optimism and inclusivity odd.

As Narinder sat down to worship, he heard low chatter all around him. Of course. This undisciplined behavior was expected from the followers of the soft Lamb. The servants of the bishops would never dare to slack off in their duties. Well, no matter. He didn't want to worship the Lamb anyway.

He opened his eyes from prayer, and instead focused on what the followers were saying. Even though he is now in his lower form, he still had excellent senses, and could hear everyone around the shrine effortlessly.

"Did you hear? The real reason Jilgamere was imprisoned?"

"Isn't it because he wanted to dissent?"

"No, that's what the Leader said on the surface. It was actually because he disagreed on the ethics of resurrection."

"There's resurrections performed here?!"

*Sigh. "You're still too new to our cult. You know the Loyalty Enforcer, Hutou? He has been resurrected countless times. I heard he was the Leader's first follower."

"Wow... so, Jilgamere disagreed with the Leader?"

"Yes. He confronted her in private."

"No wonder he's in prison still to this day..."

"I'm sure he's going to be kept there until he dies of old age. I have seen it happen multiple times."

Narinder's back ran cold. Imprisonment... until death. If he was the one imprisoned, he would suffer for eternity in this immortal body. There would be no difference from before. This wasn't what he expected from the Lamb at all. Was imprisonment her ultimate purpose for sparing him...?

Subconsciously, he looked up at the stone carving of the Lamb, decorated grandly with gold. The shrine towered over him, making him insignificant in comparison.

"Th-that's way too scary..."

"I'm telling you this to warn you. Never make the Leader angry. Even though she looks friendly, you never know when she'll snap."

Narinder shakily stood. He did not want to hear anything more. He also did not want to pray. He needed... to go somewhere. Anywhere. Looking around, he found an open-air kitchen East of the shrine, manned by a deer.

"Need a break?" The deer said as he approached hesitantly. He nodded.

"My name is Anar, by the way."

Narinder kept silent. Everyone knew who he was anyway. He had no need to introduce himself.

Anar smiled, then pushed out a bowl of grassy gruel. Narinder's face immediately sink.

"Don't you have anything else?"

"Sorry, this is all we have."

Narinder looked at the abundant fields around him, all filled with ripened produce, then looked back at the deer. A realization hit him.

"No, no, you guessed wrong!" Anar quickly explained, seeing Narinder's worsening expression. "The Leader declared a doctrine ages ago. We only eat dishes other than grassy gruel during special occasions, to remind us of our humble beginnings. She did not order me to embarrass you."

"Oh... I see." Narinder visibly relaxed. "Then... where do these produce go?"

"The Leader stores them away."


And so, Narinder ate his first grassy gruel that day.

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