Chapter 5

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Not long after the Lamb came back, she went on another crusade. This time nobody had the thought to rebel. They remembered the way the corpse of the pig was dragged away.

Narinder continued as normal, but couldn't help pondering about what happened the day before as he laid in bed. Mostly, the Lamb's affection towards Hutou. There is definitely more to him than just being her first follower. And it's not just loyalty. From Narinder's observations, there are many loyal followers like the hawk, who would never go against her no matter what she does. Compared to those loyal followers, the partiality she has towards Hutou... borders insanity.

Therefore, it is probably related to the fact the Lamb almost addressed him as someone else. Perhaps Hutou reminded her of someone?

Narinder rubbed his brows. Maybe he was thinking too much; the Lamb simply made a meaningless mistake, and that little grey cat just happened to be the Lamb's type.

Wait a minute. Narinder jolted up. He is also a grey cat! Other than the fact that he has a darker shade of grey...and different fur patterns...he and Hutou look the same! He has spent so many millennia as a god that he didn't take his irrelevant form into account!

Now then, does the Lamb just like cats, or was she secretly thinking of himself when she looks at Hutou?!

Wait! The Lamb married him, not Hutou! So to her, Hutou must be a substitute for when she eventually marries him!

Immediately, his mind went back to the day of the marriage, of the vows, of the soft kiss...

Narinder covered his face. NoOoOo it can't be! A coincidence. It must be a coincidence! His name doesn't start with L anyway...

Aaagggghhh! Whatever! He doesn't care anyway even if the Lamb secretly likes him! He doesn't like her!

He laid back down, restlessly trying to find a comfortable position. At this point, the last rays of sunshine faded, and the moon peeked its head over the towering mountains. Under the twinkling of the stars, the restless Narinder gradually fell into a deep slumber. But not yet had a minute passed, when a knock sounded from his door. Narinder's ears perked up from the disruption, and he turned to the door with furrowed brows. Under the moonlight, a shy Hutou poked his head in.

"I-I need to tell you something."

Seeing him, Narinder took in a sharp breath. Subconsciously, he eyed the grey cat before him, trying to find the similarities to himself.

"Uh, Narinder?"

"Ah, yes?"

Narinder finally met Hutou's eyes. Other than appearance, this cat's personality is nothing like his own. Cowardly. Pathetic. How dare the Lamb even compare them?

"I-I think there's something's wrong with Leader." Hutou looked down at his feet, hesitating.

"Go on..." Narinder finally focused on the conversation.

"I've actually wanted to say this long ago, but I didn't dare tell anyone else. I think...compared to them, you're more trustworthy."

Narinder raised his brow. He's trustier than those other followers? Without seeing his reaction, Hutou continued.

"Sometimes, when no one else is around, she calls me Lio. I'm not sure she realizes it herself. During those moments, she seems to be in a trance, like she sees someone else when she's looking at me."

Hutou raised his head after speaking. There was a moment of silence in the room.

"...anything else?"

"Once, she said to me that I'm the only one that matters, and the others...can go to h*ll for all she cares." As he got to the last part, it was barely a whisper. "That's when I knew that something's wrong. And yesterday...just confirms it."

Narinder took a deep breath. Okay, something IS wrong. The Lamb can't forget this...Lio. Who the heck is he anyway?

"Get out."

Hutou widened his eyes at the sudden demand, confused.

"Why are you angry—"

"I said, get out!"

Looking at the pathetic face of the cat, Narinder wanted to punch him. Though now knowing that the Lamb didn't actually like Hutou, he felt a bit better.

Hutou quickly scurried away in fright, leaving Narinder to theorize again on his own.

His first thought was that Lio is the Lamb's previous lover, who unfortunately passed away. But, the Lamb can't forget him, and treated her first follower as his substitute.

The problem with that, was that the Lamb treated Hutou more as a little brother than a lover.

Narinder's heart dropped as a realization came to him. Ever since he met the Lamb as a chained god, he never thought about her circumstances. No, he did, in order make her do his biddings, but he never actually cared. How could he have been so ignorant?

Her ruthlessness, obsession, and carelessness...were probably there because she lost everything. Lio...was not a past lover, but a past family member. One of many. She is the last Lamb, after all. He never thought about how that might've impacted her.

Narinder clenched his fist. The next time he meets her...he needs to get to the bottom of this. He must know who Lio is.

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