1. The perfect idol

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(Peridot) I want you to hold me~
(kumiko) Hold me
(Ellen) Hold me
(Peridot) My next request ~
(Ellen) will be
(all) Grander then the rest
(Kumiko) fanatsic!
(Ellen) just one kiss!
(Peridot) kiss kiss!
( Ellen) just one kiss
(Peridot) I swear it'll be worth it !

And so with the final words the song came to an end. Diamond beads of sweat dripped down my face and I lowly panted with a fabulous smile. The satisfactory cheer from the crowd instantly brightened my mood. That was just our first time singing at a 200,000 person venue. It seems to be a hit. Our newest song " Fantastic Kiss" seems to be doing well too! I headed back stage to get ready for the handshake event.

My name is Peridot,I'm a gem, but I'm hiding as a 19 year old Human girl going by the name of Dottie Para. I love working as an idol, the smiles and support of the people is better then anything. It gives me a warm feeling of joy and I wouldn't give it up for anything! With my gem body I barely ever tire and that's a huge bonus.I readjusted my now loose Ponytail. Tomorrow will be the first time my group gets to be on T.V other then performances! We're going to be doing an interview on live Television! What a dream! I headed through the door and sat in my chair a line of fans ready to shake my hand were before me . I smiled and conversed with every handshake little Things such as " have a wonderful day" " hope you enjoyed the performance" " you were at the last event thanks for coming again" common place. That was before I saw a reminder of the past. It was someone from beach city who luckily didn't notice it was me, who you may ask ? Don't worry it wasn't a crystal gem it was just Connie. The girl walked up to me and I had to slightly bend down to shake her hand.I made myself slightly taller but just barely I'm around 4"11 but My heeled thigh high boots make me 5"1 .

Connie : I really Really look up to you!It's a miracle my mom even let me listen to your music !

Dottie : I'm so glad she let you come ! And don't worry I'm pretty sure I'll Always Remeber you!

It wasn't a lie, my past in beach city is something that will always plague my mind. She smiled and got Starry eyed at that statement she and her parents walked away to a merch booth and I focused on the next person. After a good 40 minutes we finished everyone and it was time to pack up! I changed out of my frilly light purple and white outfit with yellow bows and into a casual white jeans and alien on the shoulder crop top style black jacket.

Another one of Animate_Orange amazing drawings :

I put all my things into my black duffel bag which has a cute alien Keychain on it I grabbed my phone ready to call an uber home but then my manager said

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I put all my things into my black duffel bag which has a cute alien Keychain on it I grabbed my phone ready to call an uber home but then my manager said

Manager : Hey Dottie , I always notice you taking an uber home, and from now on, either me or a private driver will be taking you home.

Dottie : huh? Why ?what for ?

Manager: Now that the group is getting bigger, there could be more creeps out there. Never know if an Uber driver could be one of them

Dottie : Thanks for looking out for my safety Mr. Upson

The guys right. One day I could step into a car and never come home. Though where is my true home? Beach city? Empire city? Or Homeworld? I stepped into the car and gave the directions to my apartment. I looked out the window before grabbing my phone and checking the time 4:24 , I'll have a bit of time to myself when I get home. I'll practice my dancing think of things to say in the interview take a nice shower, eat some takeout do some egosurfing watch camp pining hearts then sleep. I know I don't need to eat or sleep but sleep helps pass the time and food tastes good, for me it's more of a hobby. Especially Asian foods, Such as Dumplings or Spicy Ramen I can't control my love for those foods in specific.

I got home and headed to the elevator clicking on the 9th floor. I grabbed my keys and entered my apartment taking off my shoes in the entrance room not wanting to make a mess to be cleaned. I entered the main room. I sat onto the fuzzy white armchair grabbing my phone to order some Food. I settled on Egg rolls and ramen from one of my favorite places. The food will arrive in a hour or two . Better get to it .

I practiced and practiced up and down side to side crouch jump spin point hands out. The same dance routine till I perfected it ,when I made my personal best I thought of things to say in my interview while preparing to shower thinking of answers to questions such as

Are you looking for a relationship
Rather then saying the truth, that it's forbidden I'll say
That's been out of mind

What do you like to do in your freetime
Try new things

What's your favorite animal
I can't choose just one

I wanna keep it vague, but keep everyone entertained I have to perfect it!

I hopped into the shower letting the water calm me down and the smell of sweat from dance practice wash off of me .I heard the doorbell ring while I was still in the shower, I quickly turned off the water put on socks and a towel on my body along with one on my hair, though a strand was still on my face. I walked into the entrance roomm and smiled as I answered the door to a now blushing delivery man.

Dottie : Thanks for the food sorry it took me so long to answer, you caught me in the shower

Delivery man : N-No problem ! I'm so happy to be able to deliver to You !

Dottie : Oh you know my group?

Delivery man : Yes ! You're one of the best idols ever!

Dottie: Thanks for all your support ! It was lovely meeting you!

He smiled and waved goodbye I gave him a tip as well before I gently shut the door I left the food on the counter and headed to my bedroom to change clothing I put my Hair into a bun and put on a silk night dress it had spaghetti straps rather then sleeves and I was wearing silk shorts along with the thigh length dress. I pondered about the delivery man again . He must be a super fan he was awfully flustered! I headed back to the kitchen and grabbed my food I took a picture of me eating the egg rolls, I could post it later. I enjoyed the taste, the perfect spices I love it! The Ramen was amazing as well and I finished it in 10 minutes. I savored the amazing tastes and threw away the box. I love Take-out Tuesdays! I sat on my couch and pulled out my phone, it's time to ego surf. I quickly searched things such as Dottie and Heart X 3 I smiled at things and was put a bit down by others

Meowkitty2136" She glows like a gem "

Conwelliswell " She's unbelievably sweet"

TACO4DAYZ " there's something abt her I can't pinpoint it's special and makes her stand out"

Lauramingel " She's hiding something I can tell "

Danelenad " sometimes when she jumps I can see green from under her bangs .Secret hair dye?"

Eveningmoon "she shouldn't be the face of the group Ellen is a much better fit, Dot has good looks but everyone can tell she's too airheaded"

I need to get better at hiding my gem maybe with some concealer. I need Both The sweet and negative words to become stronger and better. I turned off my phone and grabbed the remote I sat and watched 2 episodes of my favorite show camp pining hearts. If I hadn't left maybe me and Steven could be watching this together. Seeing Connie really got me looking back. Does Steven know about me.. or well Dottie? Connie tells Steven about tons of things she likes what if I were to come up to him one Day would he say It's Famous Idol Dottie , it's a human girl or would he recognize me would he say it's Peridot? Y'know what this gives me an idea for some song lyrics

Secrets only to be seen by a sapphires eye
In the ruby flames I'll die
Surrounded by a crowd
I'll be tough as diamonds colored Blue yellow and white
Without a doubt I'm gonna come Out alive

Thats sounds nice, with a bit of editing, I could release this.

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