Back at Court

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Adrian POV

After I talked to Rose in her dream, I decided to take her advice. I am back at Court to see my Aunt Tatiana, the Queen of the Moroi and Dhampir world. She wasn't expecting me, so I thought I'd make my visit a surprise. I wandered all the way to her office where I knew she would be, and her guards let me in as soon as they recognized me. I walked in like I owned the place because I'm one of the very few people that can do that without getting in trouble. Aunt Tatiana looked up at me in surprise, but her surprise quickly turned into happiness. Not many got to see her happy side like I do.

"Adrian! How nice of you to finally come visit me. You've been gone without so much as a phone call for about a year now. Care to inform me how your travels were?"

"Delightful, of course. Otherwise, I would've come home long ago." I told her. I briefly wondered if I should tell her about my new found element. She always seems to know when I have questions or need to talk about something, so she interrupted my wondering.

"I can see the wheels in your head turning. What has you thinking so hard?" She asked. Might as well trust her. She is more like a mother to me than an Aunt.

"What do you know about the element spirit?"

"I've heard of it, but I've never met anyone that wields it. Why?"

"Because I specialized in the element of spirit. It's just so uncommon that no one knows how to identify a spirit user except maybe another spirit user." I said, pulling out a cigarette. I can feel the darkness closing in, so I need relief.

"Are you certain, Adrian?" She asked, looking as serious as can be. I noticed that right now, she isn't Aunt Tatiana, she is Queen Tatiana. She has an agenda.

"Yes." I lit my cigarette and took a puff. "And now I see the wheels in your head turning. Care to enlighten me?" I said, using her words from a moment ago.

She didn't respond verbally, but she sent out all of her guards, and sealed the room. Now, the room is completely soundproof, and if any entrance or exit is opened, an alarm will sound unless a special code is entered. She pulled out a phone that I've never seen before, and called someone. After a moment, she spoke to whoever was on the phone.

"Bring the prophecy. I have found a spirit user." She paused, and looked at me. "Yes, I trust him." Another pause. "Okay." Then she hung up the phone. She turned her attention back to me as I finished and put out my cigarette.

"I was informed of a prophecy almost 18 years ago that involved a spirit user. Have you ever heard of the Elemental Wanderers?"

"No. Should I have?" I responded, curious.

"There is an old legend that says that these Wanderers are essentially the ultimate protectors of the Moroi and Dhampir races. There is only one born every century or so. The prophecy states that the last Wanderer is a female dhampir that is bonded with a spirit wielding Moroi."

I was dumb struck. Rose and Lissa flashed through my mind. Could Rose be the next Wanderer? Rose was almost 18, so she fit the bill. I didn't want to believe it, mostly because I had fallen in love with Rose. I didn't have time to ponder it for long before there was a beep, and the sound of the door opening. I turned around to see Head Guardian Hans walking in with a folder in his hands. He must know the code to open the door after its been sealed. He looked at me, surprised.

"Adrian? You're the spirit user?" I nodded and Aunt Tatiana smirked. He spoke again. "Wait, you were in Portland a few days ago with the two girls from the academy."

I looked back to Aunt Tatiana who looked confused.

"The two girls from the academy? Hans, are you referring to the Dragomir Princess and her dhampir friend?" My aunt questioned. Uh oh. I'm in trouble now.

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