love language = acts of service

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They looked over the side, seeing the "river" down below. It literally was just a creek at this point. Peter looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and hide from embarrassment. Susan joined him as they leaned over the edge, assessing the situation.

"See, water erodes the soil, causing-"

"Oh, shut up."

The rest of us rolled our eyes at the two, awaiting Blondie's next set of demands for the subjects of his righteous kingdom.

Could you tell that I'm kinda tired of this boy acting like he's the shit? If not, just know I am.

Edmund looked ever so slightly concerned as he faced Trumpkin. "Is there a way down?" My anxiety spiked a little and my hands became more frantic as I tied the string over and over. My hand accidentally bumped into Edmund's arm, but I barely noticed it. He turned towards me for a moment, but realized that I wasn't trying to get his attention, so he let me be.

"Yeah, falling." I held back a laugh at the snarky reply, as did the pretty boy next to me. Lucy smiled a little while Susan and Peter looked less than pleased.

"Well, we weren't lost." Yeah, we heard you the first two times you said that, Blondie. I rolled my eyes at his arrogance before I lifted my gaze to the dwarf.

"There's a ford near Beruna. How do you all feel about swimming?" He looked between us, earning a lot of shoulder shrugs.

Susan sighed. "I'd rather that than walking." I pointed at her with a nod of my head, silently agreeing with her statement. As the whole of us started walking back the way we came, Lucy shouted.

"Aslan?" We all turned our heads at the familiar name, eager to meet the legendary lion that ruled over these lands. I love being dramatic for no reason. "It's Aslan over there!" The girl pointed where the lion supposedly was, only becoming disappointed when he disappeared. All I saw was the flick of a tail.

Trumpkin was growing more and more frustrated with the five of us the longer he was stuck with our presence as company. "Well, do you see him now?" He mocked, making me send a harsh glare in his direction at the heartache that was present on the valiant queen's face.

She turned to the rest of us. "I'm not crazy! He was there, and he wanted us to follow him," she insisted, ignoring the disbelieving looks of some of the others.

Peter put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "There are probably a number of lions in this wood, Lu. Just like that bear." But Lucy wasn't hearing any of it.

"I think I'd know Aslan when I see him," she sassed.

"Look, I'm not about to jump off a cliff for someone that doesn't exist."

Edmund cleared his throat, grabbing everyone's attention, including mine. "Last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid." His soft and understanding tone made both Lucy and I smile up at the just king, him returning it to the both of us.

Blondie sighed and turned to his youngest sister. "Why wouldn't I have seen him?" He sounded defeated and hurt.

The green-eyed girl put a gentle hand on his arm with a cautious look. "Perhaps you weren't looking," she offered quietly, frowning when Peter shrugged her off and began to walk back the way we came.

"I'm sorry, Lu." Susan and Trumpkin immediately followed behind, but Lucy looked back across the cliff with slight tears in her eyes. Edmund and I stayed behind with her, giving her a moment before motioning for the young queen to go ahead of us.

When she did, I finally realized that I was still playing with Edmund's string. He must've too, because as we were walking, he turned to me with a small smile. "How's your head feeling?"

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