Prom | Last part | ᴘᴀʀᴋ ᴊᴇᴏɴɢᴡᴏᴏ

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"Oh shoot!" I uttered, "what?" Haruto questioned, "I forgot to tell her that I'll be picking her up, sht" I replied before facepalming myself, "Just text her, bro" Jungwon said, "Oh yeah, damn, what's wrong with me" I sighed in relief, "Hey, don't stress yourself just because of prom" Leehan patted my shoulder. "Let's go, I'm starving" Jungwon suggested, "Yeah, same" Haruto nodded his head, the 4 of us are now heading our way to the cafeteria.

< Time has passed >

"Mmm, yummy!" Jungwon uttered in joy while looking at the foods that is on the counter, "Ooo~~" Leehan mumbled before putting kimchi on his tray.

"Should, I get soup? Yeah I'll get soup" Haruto grabbed a bowl near the utensils and trays, I shook my head before chuckling silently.

Time has skipped, the day !

Y/n's POV

It's prom day today.. But it will start later at 7, I'm glad me and Wonyoung shopped dresses together yesterday which is nice. And at this moment, Wonyoung and I are at my house doing our makeup "Your lucky, Jeongwoo asked you to prom" Wonyoung pouted after saying that, "Lucky?" I scoffed before shaking my head "Oh stop, denying I know you've liked him since kindergarten" Wonyoung laughed.

"You, what?" I looked at her in shock while putting foundation on my face, she stopped putting concealer on her face and turned to look at me "Yes, you're so obvious" she continued giggling. "I'am... but anyway, have you decided who to go with later?" I asked before continuing on what I was doing, "Yeah" she answered, "who?" I questioned "Haruto" she smiled, "Haruto? Really" I laughed, "Yeah that's right, him" she nodded her head, I nodded my head and stayed silent.

I heard a notification from my phone, I stopped doing my makeup ang grabbed it to check if who chatted/texted me.

"Oh, it's Jeongwoo" I said before smiling, Wonyoung turned her gaze at me and immediately stopped what she is doing and scooted her way to me, "What did he say?" She asked while looking at my phone.

"He said that he'll pick me up" I turned to look at her "Aww!" She covered her mouth in shock "Well.. how about you?" I asked, "Oh my gosh, Y/n.. why are you worrying about my situation, I can just call the one who asked me out" she smiled, "Oh right.." I nodded, "Come on, let's continue doinv our makeup, we might be late for our prom" she giggled before continuing her makeup.

I smiled and continued mine as well, time has skipped both of us are finally wearing our gowns. "Oh shoot, Y/n I'll see you at school, my date's here" she hugged me and waved her hand at me before leaving, I waved back and said "See you!" Before she could close the door.

If you're wondering what she is wearing, here it is !
( Ik it's simple, but I still think it looks elegant and pretty, but if u guys don't like it you can think of your own )

[ photo not mine ]

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