A party with alcohol, Music, and possibly sex..

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Jiros POV:

"Pack your shit Kiri!!"
Jiro yells while walking down the stairs from her room. Kirishima looks up from the couch. "Where are we going?"

"In your mom....Now start packing we have no time"

Kirishima gets up and walks to the fridge to grab a cold water

"You know I have to go to the gym today right?" Kirishima says, leaning against the counter

"You go to the gym everyday bud"
Jiro says, rolling her eyes.
"Have you seen your body? Any man would kill for that"
Kirishima knows for a fact that Jiro is right but thats not gonna stop him from asking her the same question "So where did you say we were going again?"

"Were going to that new club downtown..."

Oh...Wait does she plan on cheating? Her and Kaminari are in a happy relationship right? It'd be nice to meet Kaminari in person...Maybe he's okay with Jiro going to clubs?

"Are you sure Kaminari is okay with you going to a club with thirsty men there?"

"He's going with us dumbass" Jiro replies

Kirishima spoke to soon...So he's going to see Kaminari in person.

"Oh well who's going to watch Darby?"
Kirishima points to the teacup yorkie sleeping on the couch..

"I'll call one of my friends to watch her she's fine"

"Jiro...You know how she acts when I'm gone" Kirishima says with a look of "You know I'm right" on his face

Jiro knows he's right about Darby....
When Kirishima is away from her, she starts to flinch at the smallest things. She also tends to hide away from other people till Kirishima is back....She does this because the owner before Kirishima hit her and would starve her....When Kiri first got her she would cry and flinch everytime he tried to pet her or calm her down...

"Well she can't go with us.."

"Yeah I know..."

"Dont worry about her, I'll get someone to watch her I promise" Jiro replies with a kind smile.

"Okay..." Kirishima whispers with a frown.

Kirishima walks out of the door and continues his way to Jiros car

Jiro takes out her phone and dials her best friends number.

"JIROOO" Mina smiles wide on the other end of the phone...

"Alright I missed you too but calm down jeez..." Jiro flinches from Minas usual loud voice.

"Sorry sorry, I'm just excited to hear from my girl. Now, There's a reason you called me right?" Mina asks.

"Yeah actually, Kirishima and I are going to that new club tonight...And we have nobody to watch Darby...And you know how her anxiety gets when Kiri is away..."

"Bless her heart...I would love to watch her!!"

"Thats why I was calling..."
God Mina is so loud and happy. Jiro loves her but damn she's loud.

"Are you free to come over right now? Because Kiri and I are ready to go"

"Yeah I'll be over in a bit. I hope you guys have fun"

"Thanks, We will"

They ended the call shortly afterwards and Jiro grabs her keys, making her way out of the door.

As soon as she shuts her car door...

"Who's watching her?" Kirishima asks, looking over from the passenger seat

"Mina is....Now put your seat belt on"

Kirishima sighs in relief

"By the way, Kaminari said he's bringing one of his friends"

"Um okay?? Let's just hurry up and get there!! I'm pumped for this party!"

Jiro rolls her eyes and starts to drive

Minutes go by and they pass familiar streets and shops as Jiro drives, Kirishima is currently looking out the window....Then it hits him

What If Kaminari's friend happens to be the same stranger he texted just a couple of nights ago....


I hate this sm bruh.

Word Count- 667

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