Shut me the fuck up with a kiss

613 23 3

Bakugo POV:

The sun shines through the blinds, Leaving a gold hue to the room...
Bakugo wakes up first...

He groans and turns over. He remembers Kirishima. That's all he remembers...

Bakugo opens his eyes to notice Kirishima isn't in his bed. Did he leave?

There's a sound coming from his bathroom. Bakugo sits up in his bed and groans as he wipes his eyes.

"Good morning.." Kirishima whispers when he leaves Bakugo's bathroom. The first thing Bakugo notices is that Kirishima is ass naked...and so is he.

"Did we fuck?"

Bakugo asks and Kirishima looks over at him before sitting at the foot of his bed.

"No...I don't think so, I remember waking up with us both naked and you in my arms...I probably sucked you off, Or you sucked me off. But we didn't fuck because you don't seem sore and I'm damn sure not"

Bakugo only chuckles and runs his fingers through his morning hair.

"You definitely sucked me off, There's no way in hell I'd ever put a cock in my mouth"

Kirishima raises a brow. "Oh?"

"Oh really?"

Bakugo only glances his way before slapping him in the face with a pillow.

"Go make me some fucking breakfast. I need to brush my teeth. Did you use the extra toothbrush?"

Bakugo asks and Kirishima smiles.

"Obviously, Jiro tells me everything here...The red toothbrush in your bathroom is an extra one and nobody's ever used it because nobody's ever in your room"

Kirishima looks pleased with himself which pisses Bakugo off.

"Breakfast now, Or get out dumbass"

Kirishima only laughs before leaving Bakugo's bedroom.

Bakugo brushes his teeth fast and hard. Cursing at the disgusting germs and the broken bristles when he's done with his toothbrush. Bakugo really needs to get a new one...Oh well, That's another problem for another day.

After he slips on a white tee and some baggy grey sweats he walks out of his  room, following the smell of brunt shit.

"Bakugo I burnt the pancakes..." Kirishima offers with a pout the moment Bakugo meets the kitchen.

"Are you fucking serious right now Kirishima? What the hell is wrong with you! God such a disappointment, Move the fuck out of the way dumbass"

Bakugo's words hold no real bite to them so Kirishima just laughs and backs up, watching as Bakugo remakes the pancakes he failed to make moments before.

And when he's finished making the said pancakes...If Eijiro were being honest- He wasn't paying attention to Bakugo's cooking at all, instead he was watching his movements the entire time.

"Your never cooking in my fucking kitchen again Kirishima"

Bakugo barks around a mouthful of food.

"Yeah, Yeah, Alright...Can you teach me how to cook one day though?"

Bakugo looks up at him and doesn't answer before looking back down at his food.


Kirishima knew that wasn't a no.

"What the hell are you doing now?"
Bakugo asks from behind the couch where Kirishima sits. Kirishima changes the channel to the news.

"I'm watching the news Bakugo.."

Kirishima hears a huff behind him and then a quiet.

"You can call me Katsuki.."

Bakugo watches as Kirishima turns around on the couch to face him.


"I don't say shit I don't mean"

Bakugo replies and Kirishima immediately smiles, Making butterflies swarm in Bakugo's stomach.

"Then you can call me Eijiro~"

Kirishima replies. Bakugo sits beside Kirishima on the couch and huffs.

"Look I fucking-"

"Can I tell you-"

They both speak at the same time. Bakugo clicks his tongue and looks over at Kirishima.

"You go first..."

Bakugo says and Kirishima sighs before closing his eyes...

Tell him...Just tell him.

Kirishima opens his eyes again and looks over at Bakugo to see Bakugo looking right back at him.

"Will you go out with me?"

Kirishima asks and it takes Bakugo a minute to process. Kirishima can basically see the gears turning and working in Bakugo's brain...

"I was gonna ask you to be my boyfriend.."

Bakugo finally speaks up before finally smirking.

"And if you rejected me I'd just force you to be my boyfriend"

Kirishima's face turns beet red at the thought of actually dating Bakugo...Should he? Fuck why is he even asking that ofcourse he should.

"I would love to! Yes Katsuki! Holy shit I can't believe you just asked me th-"

Soft lips meet his own...

He immediately shuts the fuck up.

The end, Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed this small ass fic bc I hated it...Like words can't describe how much I hate this fic.
Word count- 774

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