♡Red meets Orange♡

692 20 14

Kirishima's POV:

Jiro pulled in the clubs parking lot with Kirishima.

"Are you sure Darby will be okay?" Kirishima asks with concern on his face

"She'll be fine....She has Mina"
Jiro reassures.

"Alright..." Kirishima gets out of the car and starts walking towards the said club.

As soon as the club doors open Kirishima's met with the musky smell of alcohol and colone...
The loud music vibrates in his ears and the lights reflect off of everything

He looks around for Jiro because shes done ran off but he stops when he sees her already dancing with Kaminari. Her boyfriend is better looking than Kirishima expected him to be. Fucking gold hair with a pretty black streak in it. His gold eyes match with his hair...Damn shes lucky.

Kirishima is fantasized watching how Jiros hips sway to the music and how Kaminari touches her waist...He can't seem to stop watching the pair...The way Kaminari guides her and how their faces are oh so close, they could kiss any moment now..

Kirishima stops staring when he sees a man walking his way from the corner of his eye.

Kirishima doesn't want to panic...but he starts looking around for the bathroom so he can make a run for it. As soon as he sees the bathroom it's to late...

"How about we get out of here...?"
Kirishima looks over toward the man and notices that the man was young...definitely his age and isn't that bad looking either
He had black fluffy hair and pretty dark brown eyes..

"Oh um.." Kirishima starts to panic..

"Oh...I'm sorry let me introduce myself"

The stranger speaks, running his hand through his fluffy black hair..

"My name is Shindo, tell me...What's your name pretty boy?"

Shindo asks before running his soft fingers over Kirishima's cheek..

"I would rather not say.." Kirishima tried to keep his cool and not stutter...
Kirishima suddenly feels a strong hand on his waist from behind him.
"Hey baby...I've been looking all over for you" He heard a deep raspy voice from behind him. Kirishima was so happy someone was trying to get him out of this situation.

"Oh sorry...I was just trying to find the restroom" Kirishima says...Playing along with this 'strangers' game. Shindo scoffs and walks off, drink in his hand. Kirishima sighs and turns around to meet his savior and is immediately met with spicky blonde hair and striking red eyes.

"Tch...Don't even fucking thank me" The stranger said, crossing his arms.

"How did you make him leave so

Kirishima asks, wanting to atleast start a conversation with a guy that saved his life about three seconds ago

"Easy..." The blonde said before flexing his right arm "I'm fucking intimidating"

Kirishima laughs a little.

"My names Kirishima"
The blonde looked Kirishima up and down as if he was judging him...It made Kirishima feel unsettled.

"I didn't fucking ask" the blonde said as he started to walk away.

"Wait!" Kirishima didn't know why he wanted to keep talking to the blonde..but he did

"Can you atleast tell me your name?"

"No" the stranger started to walk off again...

Kirishima immediately pulled the blondes shirt.

"What the hell!?" The blonde said spinning around...

"Tell me your name please...You litterly just saved my life from a creep"

The blonde went silent for a moment before finally responding.

"If I tell you my name...Will you promise you won't talk to me again?"

Kirishima nodded...It was the least he could do really.

"Names Bakugo..." The stranger said as he jerked his shirt out of Kirishima's hold and began walking away...

"Bakugo..." Kirishima whispered to himself

"Why does that sound so familiar??"

He looked up to see that the blonde had left
Kirishima began looking for Bakugo...He made his way to the dance floor first.
He didn't find Bakugou there so he checked the DJ. He couldn't find Bakugo there either so he went to check the bar...

That's when it all hit him like a damn train...

There he was sitting right next to Kaminari and Jiro... with a drink in his hand

Bakugo....Is the Stranger...He was texting all this time...

Holy shit.

He swallowed hard, A bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.
Why was he so nervous?
Kirishima walked up to Jiro playing it cool..

"Oh you must be Kirishima right? It's epic to finally meet you in person bro!!"
Kaminari smiles and Kirishima looks over at Bakugo only to find red piercing eyes staring right back at him. Bakugo's eyes leave Kirishimas in a flash.

"Kirishima...This is Bakugo, the one that tried to kill me because I spilt his drink on him" 

Kaminari giggled

Bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes...Obviously not wanting to be here any longer

"And Bakugo this is Kirishima.."

Bakugo's eyes landed on Kirishima a second time. But this time Bakugo's eyes squint and he looks Kirishima up and down, Something unknown forms in his eyes.

"Wait a second..." Bakugo said looking up at Kirishima's red hair. Kirishima now knows that Bakugo understands who he's looking at now.

He then looks at Kaminari...
"How do you know him?"

"From Jiro" Kaminari replies.

"Bakugo you really need some new friends man, Just ask the guy for his number"

Kaminari fucking winks.

"I will chase your ass up a tree again." Bakugo said behind gritted teeth.

Kaminari immediately stopped talking and looked away with a gulp. Jiro raised an eyebrow at this, But still kept quiet. However, Bakugo was mad now, it was all over his face...So Kirishima spoke up....Which may or may not have been a bad idea.

"I think I already have his number"

Kirishima admits and Bakugo's eyes were on him now, red piercing eyes looking him up and down. Bakugo tilted his head back as he downed his shot of liquor before smirking at Kirishima.

"Oh so my thoughts were correct huh? Get your ass over here and let me buy you a drink shitty hair"



Word Count 1063

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